by John Harris | Sep 21, 2023 | Fitness, National News, Resources
This handbook provides an overview of TRICARE health care options for National Guard and Reserve members and family members based on sponsor status (not activated Called or ordered to active duty service for more than 30 days in a row., pre-activation, deactivated,...
by John Harris | Sep 21, 2023 | Employment, National News
Repost of an article from Reserve + National Guard Magazine: An employment program is offering specialized support for the career readiness needs of job seekers from the National Guard. “Members of our National Guard are the most misunderstood workforce in the...
by John Harris | Sep 1, 2023 | National News
EANGUS Needs Your Help to Spread the Word 3M has settled the most significant litigation in the U.S. court system history. We need our member’s help to spread the word about the impact of this on our enlisted servicemembers, not only in the National Guard but in...
by John Harris | Jul 27, 2021 | Legislative
The Senate Armed Services Committee has completed the markup of its fiscal 2022 defense policy bill. The National Defense Authorization Act would change the name of the Air National Guard to the Air and Space National Guard, prohibit further equipping of Guard F-35s...
by John Harris | Feb 13, 2021 | Education
As we begin 2021, VA’s Education Service reflected on the challenges the past year uncovered and examined how we adapted to meet your needs. Whether you are a Veteran about to begin your education journey with the GI Bill® or a current GI Bill student looking for...