
EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – JUN 2022

by | Jun 3, 2022 | National News, Roll Call

To:      EANGUS Members
From:  EANGUS National Office

Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members

The Chief of the National Guard Bureau Testifies to Congress

“The past 20 years have proven the National Guard has transformed from a strategic reserve to an operational force,” the Chief of the National Guard Bureau told lawmakers Tuesday, 24 May 2022. This may be the last time Gen. Hokanson will address the 117th House of Representatives.

As Gen. Hokanson testified, EANGUS closely followed every word he said. We know how important the National Guard is to the Nation, and we wanted to see how Congress viewed our dedicated servicemembers.

He was addressing the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. Gen. Daniel Hokanson told members that this change began on 9/11. He also discussed the significant contributions the Guard has made to the Nation over the last couple of years.

“In the two decades of conflict that followed – and in the past two years, when we responded to COVID, civil disturbances, and disasters while meeting every overseas deployment – the National Guard transformed,” said Gen. Hokanson, the highest-ranking officer in the Nation’s oldest military force. He added that the Guard is the second-largest force in the defense enterprise – behind the Army – making up 20 percent of the Joint Force.

“But more than that, our combat experience honed over two decades of conflict provides our nation the increased capability and capacity it needs,” he said.

As an example, he pointed to how Minnesota Army National Guard Soldiers were on the ground at Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai International Airport last year. At the same time, Air National Guard assets provided air cover, transportation, refueling, and monitoring. Gen. Hokanson added that the last fighter aircraft to leave Afghanistan was a New Jersey National Guard F-16 Fighting Falcon. He also noted how Montana Army National Guard members embedded in Northern Syria contributed to the fight.

“In January, they used their Bradley Fighting Vehicles during intense fighting following an ISIS prison break,” he said. “Every gunner in that platoon is a school-trained master gunner, and the battalion commander called them the best Bradley company he has ever observed.”  Gen. Hokanson said, “it’s a testament to today’s National Guard.”

“We exist to fight and win our nation’s wars, and the Joint Force cannot do so without us,” he said. “It’s the mission that drives our manning, training, and equipment needs [and] makes possible our ability to respond to almost anything here at home.” But those needs are evolving with the simultaneous threat that China and Russia bring as nuclear-capable strategic competitors.

“We cannot predict when or where the next conflict will be or what our competitors are bringing to bear,” Gen. Hokanson said. “We must ensure our personnel are ready and our equipment, training, and processes are modernized. We must be ready to fight – and win.”

“Part of moving forward with that posture,” he said, “includes strengthening ties with allies and partners. Through the Department of Defense National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program, an unmatched strategic advantage is created when Guard elements are paired with the militaries of other countries. The benefits of the SPP,” he added, “are apparent in the partnership between the California National Guard and Ukraine.”

“When Russia began its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine’s military leaders reached out to people they trusted – people they had known for years. And those were members of the California National Guard,” Gen. Hokanson said. “Ukrainians’ first text messages were, ‘We’re being invaded.’ Their second message said, ‘Here’s what we need.”

Gen. Hokanson said, “the Florida National Guard was actively training in Ukraine just before the invasion. They were among the last Americans to leave Ukraine, noting the training continues in Germany. Since their partnership began in 1993, the California Guard and Ukraine have conducted more than 1,000 training events – something that has proven to be highly beneficial for the country; while the rest of the world underestimated the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ abilities, the National Guard was not surprised because we had been training with them for more than 29 years,”

In his closing remarks, Gen. Hokanson reflected on Guard contributions to the Joint Force and security partnerships and its promise to the Nation.

“I am proud to represent today’s National Guard – a force that is ready to fight our nation’s wars, ready to serve our communities in their time of need, and ready to work with our partners at every level, from local to international,” said Gen Hokanson. “Throughout our evolution of the past 20 years, the National Guard has been, and will remain: Always Ready, Always There.”

During his statements, he also addressed issues in Cyber Security and ensuring we had the right servicemembers in place, Healthcare for all servicemembers of the reserve components, and the importance of the Guard retaining all 25 fighter wings in the Air Guard.

Questions or concerns, please reach out to EANGUS Legislative Director Kevin Hollinger at

Legislative Action Center


The annual conference brings 1,000+ attendees consisting of EANGUS members, National Guard Leadership, State Association Senior Enlisted Leaders, representation from Joint Services, and product end-users.

We are excited to have the National Guard Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (CSEL) present at the EANGUS Conference who jointly hold their annual conference at the same location. In addition, many of the Army National Guard Command Sergeants Major, as well as the Air National Guard Command Chief Master Sergeants from the State and Wing Levels, will be in attendance. Furthermore, each year, EANGUS has a hundred or more National Guard Servicemembers attend our annual conference for Professional Development purposes and our Senior Enlisted leaders provide invaluable insight and mentorship to those that attend. The Senior Enlisted Leaders of the National Guard support EANGUS and their participation greatly increases the value that our attendees receive.


The Foundation has received funding from USAA for the EANGUS We Care for America National Guard Emergency Relief Grant and Interest-Free Loan Program.

With thousands of National Guard members and their families facing financial hardships as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and other emergencies, the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and the We Care for America Foundation have teamed up to help National Guard members and families in need.

Go to the EANGUS-WCFA website for the criteria to apply for a WCFA Grants and Interest-Free Loans.


Did you know there are several ways to donate to the We Care for America Foundation?

Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select “EANGUS We Care for America Foundation Inc” as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They’ll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.

How it works: 
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on “AmazonSmile” within Programs & Features
3. Select “EANGUS We Care For America Foundation Inc” as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app





Operation VetCare was established in 2017 by EANGUS as a program designed to assist Military Service Members, Veterans, and their families who face special issues or challenges associated with military service. This program has continued to grow over the last several years. Assistance provided through this program may vary based on the limited funds available but may assist by providing support in the form of gift cards for food, clothing, and other necessary items during a service-related crisis.  Through this program, EANGUS has been able to assist hundreds of people during a time of significant need. Click button for more information on how you can support this initiative through donations or to request assistance.

Operation VetCare


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