
EANGUS supports S. 1291, The Record of Military Service for Members of the Armed Forces Act of 2021

by | Apr 27, 2021 | Legislative

EANGUS is proud to support S. 1291, The Record of Military Service for Members of the Armed Forces Act of 2021, and appreciates Sen. Peters (MI), Sen. Lankford (OK), Sen. Tester (MT), and Sen. Moran (KS) for introducing this legislation.

For 3 years #EANGUS has diligently worked to educate Congress on the critical need in providing National Guard Servicemembers with a DD 214 to document their military service.

Too often, National Guard Servicemembers are unable to receive certain types of benefits because of a lack of understanding or recognition of the NGB Form 22, which is used to document National Guard Service.

Active-Component service members already receive a DD 214 for their service, and it is officially recognized by government agencies to validate military service.

By ensuring that National Guard #Servicemembers receive a DD 214, it enables them to have the appropriate document when seeking benefits at the federal and state levels.

EANGUS will continue to work with Congress to get a companion bill introduced in the House of Representatives.

Please join us in supporting this legislation and we urge #Congress to bass this bipartisan bill.

#EANGUS #EANGUS72 #NationalGuard #militaryservice #benefits

Press Releases | Newsroom | U.S. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan (