
Roll Call – June 2018

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Roll Call

Update: Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act

The House Armed Services Committee met to consider the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act on Wednesday, May 9. Representative Kelly (R-MS) offered and withdrew an amendment mirroring the language of H.R. 5121 to expand TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) to eligible federal employees. An excerpt of his debate with other Committee Members is linked in this update. Unfortunately, the $240 million mandatory cost associated with paying for this population to exit the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan for TRS was unpalatable in an election year which is what caused Rep. Kelly to withdraw his amendment. EANGUS continues to ask for co-sponsors of H.R. 5121 and S. 1086. At present, thirty-eight members of the House of Representatives and thirteen Senators co-sponsor the bills. Please continue to visit the EANGUS Legislative Action Center and message your delegation to support these bills so that the EANGUS National Office Staff can point to high levels of Congressional interest.