Site Visit Registration

The number of rooms at the Hilton are limited (approximately 40) and King sized beds only.  The room rate is $122.00 +taxes and fees and the only nights available are the night of the 18th and 19th.  Because of the shortage of rooms, the Executive Council will stay the entire time at Jackson Barracks.  Any State Association attendees that need rooms are welcome to stay at Jackson Barracks as well.

Hilton New Orleans Riverside Reservation Link

**This link is for you to make your own reservations at the Hilton.  You will also be taken to the Hilton Reservation Link once you complete the registration form.

Jackson Barracks Billeting Link

**This link is for informational purposes only.  Please do not make your own reservations at Jackson Barracks, just indicate on the registration form when and if you need a room at the Barracks and we will make arrangements for you.


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