
2021 Legislative Workshop Wrap-up

by | Mar 15, 2021 | Legislative

2021 Legislative Workshop Wrap-up:

EANGUS conducted our Annual Legislative Workshop virtually on Saturday, 27 February 2021.  The Workshop was attended by approximately 80 members and included several special guest speakers and panel discussions, as well as presentation of our annual Legislative Awards.  We received a lot of positive feedback from those in attendance and want to make the information presented available to the rest of our members. If you were unable to attend, please review the information below which includes links to the EANGUS YouTube Channel where a video recording of each session can be found.  Also included below are the EANGUS Legislative Priorities for the 117th Congress, copies of the three EANGUS White Papers presented this year, slides from the presentations and a link to the EANGUS Legislative Workshop E-Booklet which has all the information presented to our attendees.

Additionally, during the months of March – April 2021, we ask that State Associations participate in our “Muster for Change” event.  This is your opportunity to schedule and conduct virtual meetings with your Senators, Representatives, or their staff, to discuss the three EANGUS White Papers, other emerging issues, and any State issues you may have.  After reviewing the information below, if you have any questions  regarding the White Papers or our Legislative Priorities, please contact the EANGUS Legislative Director Kevin Hollinger at   We also ask that you send him an email message after your congressional meetings to let him know how it went and whether your elected representatives had any questions or need follow-up on our issues.

Legislative Workshop Videos
Workshop Videos

White Papers
Hazardous Duty Pay
Employer Tax Incentives

Legislative Priorities
EANGUS 2021 Legislative Priorities

Resolutions Process
Resolutions Report
Legislative Process

Legislative Workshop Booklet

To the Legislative Workshop Attendees:

We appreciate the feedback that we received during the post-workshop “Social Hour” as well as your responses to our online Survey.  We looked at all those comments during our internal after-action review and are looking forward to incorporating some of those suggestions into our plans for the 2022 Legislative Workshop and any other future virtual events.  We agree that providing a virtual attendance option in addition to face-to-face attendance would allow for additional participation and engagement opportunities.  We also want to provide additional information for first-time Legislative Workshop attendees and others to ensure you know how to navigate Capitol Hill and make appointments with your Congressional representatives, and that you have a good understanding of the White Papers we distribute each year.  We will also work to include more opportunities for engagement with the speakers, some time to discuss State Legislative efforts, and scheduled breaks!

For those that attended the Legislative Workshop, your special copy of “Congress at Your Fingertips” (valued at $15) will be mailed the week of 15 March.

Thank you again for your participation and support!