Resolution TitleActive Guard Reserve (AGR) Control Grade Modernization
Resolution Description (Short)

This resolution aims to remove manpower policy requirements for E8 (04 & O5?) control grades to resolve unit stagnancy and advocate leadership growth.

Proposal TypeInitial
Business Case

Manpower difficulties, in part due to Title 5 and AGR conversions, National Guard units face complications with inabilities to appropriately promote senior leaders in the AGR program. Metrics are not being obtained by National Guard Bureau on the amount of AGRs selected for a proper position for which they cannot promote due to an unavailable Control Grade. Therefore, the exact number is unknown, but it's been currently identified that one Air Guard unit (of fifty-two) has five E7s with stagnant careers that will affect unit cohesiveness and effectiveness far into the future, conceivably causing a negative impact to our National Security and Defense strategies.


Recommendation and course of action (COA) for this is to remove the policy requirement for E8 (O4 & O5?). This manpower adjustment ensures that the right people are selected for the right position as determined by qualifications (ex. National Defense Strategy - such as Workforce Development for Tech Priorities) vs quantity of available Control Grades. The result will be properly staffed and effective National Guard organizations, but with a higher funding cost for those promotions to take place. Member compensation for the work they provide while in the positions they fill along with the customarily structured leadership growth in each unit far outweigh the costs associated with this COA.