Resolution TitleChildcare Resource Navigator
Resolution Description (Short)

Create a position within the Joint Service Support construct in the 54 States and Territories to assist service members looking for IDT/DSG childcare.

Proposal TypeInitial
Business Case

1. Service members struggle with childcare on a regular basis during drill weekend and during period of unscheduled service (emergency response). Soldiers and Airmen volunteered to protect and serve our nation; however, they do not relinquish their desire to raise a family and live the American Dream. Children is our most valuable resource, and they don’t need charity; they need investment. The childcare issue in America is becoming a bigger problem in this post-pandemic world.

a. A previous questionnaire was sent out in 2021: there were 197 responses received (55 Air, 79 Army, and 59 who may be either Army, Air, or a family member) 145 had children, and 119 stated that childcare had been an issue for them either at present or in the past. That equates to 73% of the force having children and 82% of those with children having an issue regarding childcare.
b. As a society we are constantly evolving, no longer are we living in a world of a one-income household. In 2021, 62.3 of married-couple household have both parents employed (Employment Characteristics of Families - 2021, 2022). Within WA state National Guard as of April 2023, 12.4% of the Air and 45% of the Army service members is either married (Mil to Mil) or single with dependents. At least 50% are married to a civilian with dependents and if we utilize the same percentage from 2021 that would mean a total of 33% of Air and %%% of Army may have childcare issues on drill weekend or AT since their spouse may be unable to assist during last minute emergencies.
c. Childcare access across Washington is even more limited for families needing Non-Standard Hour (NSH) care between 6 pm and 6 am or on weekends. Only 1,164 providers in Washington offer NSH (368 in Pierce County, 24 in Island County, 92 in Kitsap County, 389 in Snohomish County, and 192 in Spokane County). Military families often need NSH due to deployment and work schedules.

2. This creates a retention and readiness issue for service members. The inability to access affordable and quality childcare can impact a service member’s ability to report for duty and his or her decision to stay in the military and it also can be a barrier to spouse unemployment and hurts the overall well-being of military families.


That the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges the Congress of the United States to pursue appropriation of funding for a childcare resource navigator position to support readiness and retention in the 54 States and territories by being the focal point for Soldiers and Airmen seeking assistance identifying or navigating the childcare resource application process.