Resolution TitleNDAA Support for Increasing AGR End Strength
Resolution Description (Short)

AGR End Strength Annual Increase Annually to achieve 100% authorization.

Proposal TypeInitial
Business Case

The 117th Congress of the United States has an exceptional ability to evaluate, update, and influence the National Guard’s ability to effectively manage Organization, Personnel, Training, Service, Supply, and Procurement, and perform Homeland Defense Activities. T-32 of the United State Code defines these principles and assigns them to the Active-Duty contingent of the National Guard, known as AGRs. For years, the United States Congress has limited the requirements of the AGR program to effectively 50-75% of what is truly required to perform these functions. Very limited organizations required 100% authorization of their requirement. This limitation throughout the force does not minimize or limit the amount of tasking, requirements, mobilization, or training that is imposed upon the National Guard, as the National Guard has transitioned from a ready reserve service to an operational force. In doing so, the workload has increased substantially particularly on the middle and lower management levels. Our SR Leaders repeatedly ask us to do more with less while a failure would demonstrate an inability to continue. The National Guard force, nor should they be, refuses to quit or fail. See attached G3 input to Senator Lee, and 2019 FTS Talking Points.


Resolution Committee recommends this resolution for consideration during the next National Legislative session and to aid in NDAA development.