Resolution TitleRelax MHS Genesis Usage
Resolution Description (Short)

Relax the reliance on MHS Genesis to make it easier for MEPS personnel to assess a recruits ability to meet military entrance standards

Proposal TypeInitial
Business Case

MHS Genesis program was initially meant to consolidate medical records into one authoritative data source making it easier to assess a recruit's medical health. It has instead increased the lag time in enlisting qualified recruits into the military. It has become an administrative burden on recruits, recruiters, MEPS personnel, and many others in the recruitment process. During a time when the military is struggling to meet recruiting goals, we must remove needless roadblocks.

MHS Genesis relies on previous providers to have input information, and the more information provided on a recruits record, the longer the assessment time is for that member. Some recruits with no health data are going through more quickly and with less hassle. In today's society where our recruits can face up to a 6-month wait after MEPS, a year before going to basic training, or longer we can expect upwards of 2 years wasted going through the process before we have a fully trained Soldier or Airmen within our state's force.


It is recommended that EANGUS urge Congress and the DOD to relax the requirement to utilize all health data in MHS Genesis. MHS Genesis should be a resource available to help make decisions in the most critical cases, not an absolute administrative requirement for review.