Resolution TitleEliminate MEPS
Resolution Description (Short)

MEPS is an outdated medical process that a Medical Provider can quickly complete with a better understanding of a recruit's health history.

Proposal TypeInitial
Business Case

MEPS medical examination is a relatively standard medical physical that costs close to $1200 for the military. MEPS initially started in 1951 as a standardized in-processing for recruits. Today's advancement in medical health background sharing (MHS Genesis) and the growing availability of health insurance has made a recruit's healthcare record easily accessible, permitting MEPS officials to make informed decisions about a recruit's health standards based on information provided by Primary Care Providers (PCP).

Additionally, the increase in care standards, medical certifications, and requirements to maintain care and receive insurance funds are much different than in 1951, when a uniformed in-processing examination was truly needed. It would be much easier for a PCP to assess a recruit's ability to meet military health standards, freeing MEPS medical officials to deal with cases where health information or PCP could not execute the required medical screening.

Such a shift away from an expensive process could free up money to provide better healthcare to all military servicemembers, including guardsmen. Similar to a proposed plan to shift medical readiness items to Primary Care Providers paid for through TriCare.

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It is recommended that EANGUS urge Congress to abolish the existing MEPS in-processing medical screening process, shifting it to civilian medical providers, and requiring civilian insurance providers to cover said screening.