Resolution TitleIncrease in FSGLI coverage for dependent children
Resolution Description (Short)

Increase in FSGLI coverage for dependent children

Proposal TypeInitial
Business Case

It was brought to our attention that the Family Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance may not be enough to cover the cost of a funeral, let alone some of the associated expenses. The average funeral cost continues to increase and can now easily exceed $10,000. “The National Funeral Directors Association estimates the median cost of a funeral and burial at about $8,500. This price does not include a burial plot or things like flowers or transportation. Depending on the funeral home and funeral items chosen, the cost could be substantially higher”. Funeral costs have increased by nearly 4% between 2014 and 2017, and this trend is expected to continue. With this increase, the FSGLI for dependents will soon not even be enough to cover the cost of a funeral. This past March our SGLI increased by $100,000 but this resolution was passed by the SDNGEA and EANGUS in 2019 and four years later, no traction has been made.


EANGUS urges Congress to review the current FSGLI amount for dependents and consider increasing the amount.