Displaying 1 - 25 of 28

YearProposal Number (Draft)Resolution TitleDate CreatedState/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)
2401DVeterans Court Services Expansion ProgramMarch 5, 2024CA
2402DFamily Care Plan- Military Family Transition AssistanceMarch 5, 2024CA
2403DTRICARE for Young Adults ExtensionMarch 6, 2024UT
2404DSaving the Pacific Branch Home for Disabled VeteransApril 19, 2024CA
2405DNational Guard Child Care Tax CreditApril 24, 2024T10
2406DFamily Reunification ServicesApril 28, 2024CA
2407DExpedited Return of Deported Veterans to the U.S.April 29, 2024CA
2408DExpansion of Access to IVF and All Other Reproductive HealthcareApril 30, 2024CA
2409DReduced retirement eligibility age of Ready Reserve membersMay 4, 2024OH
2410DJunior Enlisted Pay RaiseMay 9, 2024HI
2411DGuardsmen's Benefit for Early 401(k) WithdrawalMay 9, 2024HI
2412DAutomatic 100% VA Disability Compensation for National Guard Vietnam VeteransMay 9, 2024HI
2413DRetention of 10% Tinnitus DisabilityMay 10, 2024SD
2414DRetention of Enlistment/Retention Incentives when Accepting T32 AGR or Tech JobsMay 10, 2024SD
2415DRetiree Continued Contributions to the Thrift Savings PlanMay 10, 2024SD
2416DMilitary Occupation Compatibility with Civilian Certificates & SkillsMay 10, 2024SD
2417DAutomatic Re-Enrollment in TRICARE Reserve Select and Current Dental CarrierMay 10, 2024SD
2418DAddressing Inequities in the USAF’s Credentialing Opportunities On-Line ProgramMay 14, 2024KY
2419DEnsuring Full Military Retirement Pay for Veterans with DisabilitiesMay 14, 2024KY
2420DTransfer of GI Bill Benefits After RetirementMay 14, 2024NE
2421DDisparity in Buying Back T32 AGR Service for Title 32/Title 5 Federal RetirementMay 14, 2024VA
2422DSupport of the Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research ActMay 26, 2024T10
2423DInformation Clearinghouse and Opposition to “Defend the Guard Act” LegislationMay 27, 2024MT
2424DPayroll Allotments for National Guard and Reserve MembersMay 31, 2024AZ
2425DSaving Tuition Assistance and Education BenefitsAugust 8, 2024FL
YearProposal Number (Draft)Resolution TitleDate CreatedState/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)