Resolution TitleAddressing Inequities in the USAF’s Credentialing Opportunities On-Line Program
Date CreatedMay 14, 2024
Initial Submission Date05/14/2024
Proposal TypeNew
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)KY
Business Case

The United States Air Force (USAF) Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) Program is an essential resource for enhancing the skills and employability of Airmen. It offers industry-recognized credentials and certifications that are crucial for career advancement. However, a significant disparity exists in the program's eligibility criteria, particularly affecting Airmen serving in the National Guard compared to those on Title 10 orders. Currently, drilling National Guard Airmen are excluded from accessing these valuable resources, creating a stark inequity within the USAF.

This exclusion represents a substantial barrier to the professional development and career progression of National Guard Airmen. It is imperative that lawmakers address this issue to ensure that all Airmen, regardless of their service component, have equal access to the professional development opportunities necessary to succeed in both their military and civilian careers.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges Congress and the USAF to review and expand policies regarding the eligibility of Airmen in the Reserve Components to participate in the USAF COOL Program.

ReferencesTitle 31 USC 1105(a)
File UploadWhite-Paper-for-Equalization-of-Benefits-within-the-USAF-COOL-Program.docx