Resolution TitleSupport of the Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act
Date CreatedMay 26, 2024
Initial Submission Date05/26/2024
Proposal TypeNew
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)T10
Business Case

Medical readiness is one of the top issues regarding the National Guard's deployability. During the 118th Congress, H.R. 7596, “Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act,” was introduced to conduct research related to menopause, perimenopause, or mid-life women’s health and for other purposes. The biggest hurdle for this legislation is the offset of appropriations because funding has not previously been provided to the DoD or VA for this research, but we believe that the benefit far exceeds the expense.
Traditional Guardsmen are eligible to serve up until the age of 60. The transition into menopause typically occurs in women aged 45 – 55 and lasts for about 7 years. Women have traditionally been underrepresented in medical research. Comprehensive research into menopause and perimenopause is needed to highlight the physical, biological, psychological, and social changes that occur in National Guard Servicewomen during midlife and the impacts on their health.
Implementation of research programs related to menopause, perimenopause, or mid-life women’s health will provide data and knowledge about the current health of all National Guard Servicewomen and Women Veterans to enable the Defense Health Agency and the Veterans Affairs Center for Women Veterans to provide women-specific healthcare and services required.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges Congress to pass H.R. 7596, the “Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act,” or subsequently introduced legislation, and direct the Secretaries of Defense and the Veterans Affairs to take specific steps regarding research related to menopause, perimenopause, or mid-life women’s health, and for other purposes.

ReferencesH.R. 7596 “Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act”
File UploadHR-7596-Servicewomen-and-Veterans-Menopause-Research-Act.pdf