2021 NG Education Guide & Almanac

by | Apr 27, 2021 | Publications

The 2021 National Guard Education Guide & Almanac
presented by the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS)

This year’s publication includes two sections:

  • An Education Section includes information about scholarship opportunities and other resources available to National Guard members.
  • The Almanac Section highlights key National Guard leaders for each of the 54 States, Territories, and the District of Columbia as well as their State Association contact information and State benefits.

We thank Grantham University for its sponsorship of this publication.  We are proud to continue our partnership with Grantham and have highlighted information in the Education Section regarding their educational programs and the two scholarships they are offering this year.

We are also extremely grateful for the continued partnership and scholarships offered to our EANGUS members, their spouse, and dependent children by Colorado Technical Institute, Grand Canyon University, and the University of Phoenix.  Along with Grantham University, these institutions provide a total of eight full-tuition scholarships, which are a significant benefit to those selected as recipients each year.  We are also appreciative of the additional funding provided for scholarships at Excelsior College, and the scholarship funds provided by USAA, AFBA, and the CSM Advisory Council which can be used by the recipient at the college or university of their choice.

On behalf of the EANGUS Executive Council, we trust that you will find this information of value and we wish the best to our members pursuing their dreams of higher education.

2021 National Guard Education Guide & Almanac

EANGUS does its best to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date. However, because Leadership and State Information are ever-changing, we request updates be submitted from the buttons below.

We will update accordingly on the e-version.
EANGUS cannot be liable for omissions or inaccuracies. 

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