OVC Donation

Operation VetCare (OVC) is a project of The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and is here to help veterans, military service members, and military families in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces who face special challenges as a result of their service. OVC provides limited financial assistance on a case-by-case basis to those in need. This assistance may come in the form of funds to help with emergency repairs or gift cards that can be used to purchase food, clothing, or other necessities. For more information, go to https://eangus.org/wp/operation-vetcare/

If you would like to make a donation to support OVC, please use the link below.  All donations are appreciated!  With your support we will be able to help many more veterans and families in the future!

NOTE:  EANGUS is a 501c(19) organization with a membership made up of over 90% of war Veterans. Gifts are generally considered tax-deductible if you itemize them on your income tax return.  If you do not itemize and instead take the standard deduction, the 2021 CARES Act allows a single individual to claim up to $600 in cash contributions on your tax return thus reducing the amount of your taxable income. This provision of the CARES Act has been extended to include charitable donations made in 2021 and has been expanded also to allow a maximum deduction of $600 for married individuals filing jointly.  Please consult your tax advisor with any questions you may have.