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EANGUS supports S. 1291, The Record of Military Service for Members of the Armed Forces Act of 2021
EANGUS is proud to support S. 1291, The Record of Military Service for Members of the Armed Forces Act of 2021, and appreciates Sen. Peters (MI), Sen. Lankford (OK), Sen. Tester (MT), and Sen. Moran (KS) for introducing this legislation. For 3 years #EANGUS has...

EANGUS Full-Tuition Scholarship Deadlines Fast Approaching!
Reminder: EANGUS Full Tuition Scholarship Deadlines Fast Approaching! Great educational opportunities EXCLUSIVE for EANGUS members and their dependents! Deadline April 23, 2021 University of Pheonix (3) Full Tuition Undergraduate or Masters Degree Scholarships ...

EANGUS supports S. 1147, The Retired Pay Restoration Act
EANGUS is proud to support S. 1147, The Retired Pay Restoration Act that was recently introduced by Chairman Jon Tester and Senator Lisa Murkowski. This legislation corrects the gross injustice for #servicemembers and #veterans who are not currently entitled to...

EANGUS CSM Virgil R. Williams & Patriot Scholarships
EANGUS CSM Virgil R. Williams & Patriot Scholarships Great educational opportunities for EANGUS members and their dependents! The EANGUS scholarship program will offer at least eight, $2,000 CSM Virgil Williams Scholarships this year and multiple $1,000 Patriot...

EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – APR 2021
Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points - April 2021 Equal Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for National Guard The military has many hazardous jobs, and the men and women in these...

EANGUS Scholarship Program Spotlight: Excelsior College
EANGUS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS SPOTLIGHT: EXCELSIOR COLLEGE (2) $500 Scholarships EXCLUSIVE only to our EANGUS members and their spouses! Online programs! Apply today! ...

EANGUS Scholarship Program Spotlight: Grantham University
EANGUS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS SPOTLIGHT: GRANTHAM UNIVERSITY 2 FULL-TUITION Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarships EXCLUSIVE only to our EANGUS members, their spouses, and their dependent children! Online programs! Apply today!...

EANGUS Executive Director
The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is proud to introduce our next Executive Director, Sergeant Major (Retired) Matthew Krenz Sergeant Major (Retired) Krenz has joined our team and will lead the EANGUS National Office effective...

The TRICARE Fairness for National Guard and Reserve Retirees Act (S. 829 and H.R. 1997)
Portman, Warren Introduce Legislation to Expand Access to Affordable Health Care for Reserve Component Retirees March 19, 2021 | Press Releases WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced the TRICARE Fairness for...

EANGUS Scholarship Program Spotlight: University of Phoenix
EANGUS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS SPOTLIGHT: UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX 3 FULL-TUITION Scholarships for Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program EXCLUSIVE only to our EANGUS members, their spouses, and their dependent children! Online programs! On-campus programs! Apply today! ...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant