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Stop the forcible removal of Air Guard Members into the Space Force
On March 15, 2024, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall approved Legislative Proposal 480. This proposal would give the Secretary the full authority to transfer Air National Guard Airmen and units performing space missions into the US Space Force without any...

What to Expect When You Retire: Part 3, AGR
If you serve at least 20 cumulative years on active duty and/or full-time National Guard duty, you become eligible for a regular retirement and immediate annuity. Your service could have been under title 10 or title 32 of the U.S. code. It also includes active duty...

What to Expect When You Retire: Part 2, Age 60 Retirees
Once you reach age 60, and have completed at least 20 good years for retirement and have received your twenty year letter, you can apply for retirement and receive benefits. This paper discusses those benefits. Cash. Your annuity. Your retired paycheck. At age 60, you...

What to Expect When You Retire: Part 1, Gray Area Retirees
Gray area retirees, those Guard members who choose to retire prior to reaching age 60, earn an array of benefits for a lifetime. However, those benefits differ somewhat from other categories of retirees. This paper discusses some important aspects of reserve...

Tricare for Technicians: The Servicemember Healthcare Freedom Act
As most Military Technicians and other Federal employees are keenly aware, Federal law does not allow them to enroll, participate in, or consider TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) as an option for health care for them or their families. Even with the most recent change...

Travel Guidance: EANGUS Conference Attendance
Each year, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau provides a policy statement that includes travel and funding guidance for federal funding being used to attend the EANGUS Conference. This policy gives the states the authority to spend federal funds on travel for...

Best Retirement Benefit? TFL!
One of the best benefits of retiring and turning age 65 is TRICARE for Life. TRICARE for Life, or TFL for short, was enacted into law by Congress in the Fiscal Year 2001 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 106-398). TFL is Medicare-wraparound coverage if...

Educate, Empower, and Execute…. Visit the new SEA Team Six
The newest resource for our Enlisted members and the entire Guard Nation. Visit the SEA Team Six website and find a central hub for valuable information, updates, resources, and even the SEA's reading list recommendations. Visit here!

The Five Families of Capitol Hill
In The Godfather, there are fictional representations of the five Mafia families. The fictional families: Corleone, Tattaglia, Barzini, Cuneo, and Stracci; are supposed to generally represent five Mafia families: Bonnano, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese; who...

AUSA Membership
Did you know? As a member of EANGUS, you are automatically a member of AUSA, the Association of the U.S. Army. In essence, when you become an EANGUS member, you become a member of your State Association, the national EANGUS Association, and you are a member of AUSA...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant