CSM Karen M. Craig

18th EANGUS President

State Association:  Arizona
Term:  2018 – 2022

Organizational Achievements

Elected as the first female President of EANGUS. Reversed the previous declining membership trend, posting gains in membership at year end, each year starting in 2020. Improved the financial stability of the association with an overall increase of 48% in the Restricted Reserve and Building Fund accounts. A military artist was commissioned to paint a portrait we titled “Enlisted Guardians: Our Legacy, Our Future” with prints available starting in 2019. Through generous donations from USAA, the We Care for America Foundation distributed almost $1M in grants to National Guard families impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic and initiated an Interest-Free Loan Program. Conducted the 50th Anniversary Conference in Albuquerque, NM, celebrating our history, offering Charter Renewals to State Associations, and creating the Past Presidents’ Hall of Honor. Grew the Operation VetCare program providing financial assistance to Veterans and increasing state projects, with completion of the first national community service project at the 51st Annual Conference. Completed rewrite of the Strategic Plan with an updated mission and vision, and specific goals, strategic priorities, and objectives to guide the association from 2022-2027.

Organizational Challenges

For the first time in EANGUS’ history, invoked Article XII (War or National Emergency clause) of the Bylaws as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The 2020 National Conference was cancelled which caused the Executive Council to take action to extend the National Officers and adjust the budget twice to account for the associated revenue loss. Had to find new ways to communicate with State Associations and members as the Nation practiced social distancing, and thousands of National Guard members were called into service for the pandemic, performing over 7.6 million man-days over those two years.

Legislative Accomplishments

EANGUS testified and secured GI Bill and early retirement credit for members serving on the Southwest Border Mission advocating that “Every Day in Uniform Counts.”  Expanded use of the Military Student Identifier to National Guard children. NDAA 2020 included the provision for federal technicians to enroll in TRICARE Reserve Select but with delayed implementation until 2030. VA Home Loan eligibility was expanded to include Title 32 service. Eligibility for VA counseling and outpatient mental health services was authorized for NG/RC members regardless of deployment status. Added protections and benefits for National Guard members supporting the COVID-19 Pandemic. NDAA 2021 expanded eligibility to allow residency at the Armed Forces Retirement Home for NG/RC retirees with 20 or more years of service and standardized payment of Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for NG/RC. Compensation and credit for retirement purposes was authorized for maternity leave taken by NG/RC members. The Burial Equity Act for Guard/Reserve was signed into law in 2022. Advocated for issuance of a DD214 to NG/RC members to better document their service which was implemented via DOD Instruction.