MSgt Bobby Dempsey
9th EANGUS President
State Association: Arkansas
Term: 1991- 1994

Organizational Achievements
We Care for America Foundation was established as the EANGUS 501c(3) charitable arm of EANGUS to provide financial assistance to our members. In 1991, EANGUS WCFA donated $53,000 to needy National Guard families. WCFA was officially incorporated in the State of Oklahoma on 25 February 1992.
Organizational Challenges
There were concerns about National Guard members returning from Desert Shield/Desert Storm, and in early 1991, EANGUS opened up their 1-800# as a hotline to provide assistance to Guard families to get them connected to the right resources for mental health care and financial assistance. In 1991, Mike Cline, the EANGUS Executive Director, provided testimony to the House Veterans Affairs Committee regarding the need for increased counseling services and access to VA care and Vet Centers for members returning from the Persian Gulf.
Legislative Accomplishments
In 1992, legislation was passed to initiate a seven-year test program to provide VA Home Loans to NG/RC with at least six years of service; this program was extended multiple times before becoming permanent in 2003. Legislation was passed in 1992 to provide disability pay for NG/RC members injured while traveling to/from IDT; this provision was made retroactive to 14 November 1986. On 4 May 1994, President Clinton signed HR 821 into law extending eligibility for VA Burial benefits to NG/RC personnel making it possible for those with over 20 years of service to be buried in a National Cemetery; EANGUS President Bobby Dempsey was present at the bill signing ceremony at the White House. Expand Montgomery GI Bill education benefits to Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) personnel, as well as provide benefits for graduate studies.