We appreciate your support of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and encourage contributions to the following programs using the Donation Form below.
The Patriot Scholarship Fund: Each year, a number of $1,000 scholarships are awarded to EANGUS members or their dependents who are pursuing an undergraduate degree and applying for assistance. The funds for these scholarships are derived solely from individual contributions, not corporate donations. Your donation will help National Guard members reach their goal of attaining higher education. The number of scholarships awarded each year is contingent upon funding received. Any amount you give will be greatly appreciated. Those donors contributing $500 or more will be recognized at the EANGUS National Conference and in our New Patriot magazine.
Operation VetCare: This project provides assistance to Veterans of any branch of the service, as well as currently serving military members and their families who have experienced a hardship or challenge as a result of their service. The assistance provided varies on a case-by-case basis and may include gift cards which can be used to purchase food, clothing, or other necessities, or other hands-on help like a car or home repairs. A donation to Operation VetCare will allow us to continue to assist Veterans and military members in crisis, regardless of their branch of service.
Legacy Member Program: EANGUS Life Members have the opportunity to make a donation to support the principles of our Association and ensure that EANGUS can continue to work on behalf of the Soldiers, Airmen, Retirees, and Families of the National Guard. Contributions to the Legacy Program help cover the costs of the legislative program, supportive staff, and other programs that have benefitted us, the Life Members, for years. A Life Member can donate any amount to the Legacy Member Program; those who donate in the amount of $150 and above will receive a Travel Toiletry Bag with the EANGUS Logo. (While Supplies Last)
NOTE: EANGUS is a 501c(19) organization with a membership made up of over 90% of war Veterans. Gifts are generally considered tax-deductible if you itemize them on your income tax return. If you do not itemize and instead take the standard deduction, the 2021 CARES Act allows a single individual to claim up to $600 in cash contributions on your tax return thus reducing the amount of your taxable income. This provision of the CARES Act has been extended to include charitable donations made in 2021 and has been expanded also to allow a maximum deduction of $600 for married individuals filing jointly. Please consult your tax advisor with any questions you may have.
The We Care for America Foundation, Inc. is the 501(c)3 charitable arm of EANGUS. Also known as the National Guard Relief Foundation, the foundation provides several opportunities for National Guard Soldiers and Airmen to receive emergency financial assistance when in need, including grants and no-interest loans. For more information or to make a donation and support the efforts of We Care for America, please go to their website at https://eangus-wcfa.org/donation-3/
Please use the drop-down menu on the Donation Form below to select the specific EANGUS program you would like to support. We sincerely appreciate your support of EANGUS and our members, as well as the Veterans, military servicemembers, and families who receive assistance as a result of these programs. Questions regarding any of these programs can be referred to eangus@eangus.org