
Roll Call – December 2018

by | Dec 7, 2018 | Roll Call

Changing the Status Quo in Higher Education

The Veterans Education Project, a new initiative of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard, is actively engaging lawmakers and institutions of higher education to expand the source documents reviewed by the American Council on Education. Currently, only the Joint Service Transcript is reviewed in order to award college credits to Student Veterans. But we know that documents like the DD214, Enlisted Records Brief, and Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report present a richer understanding of Student Veterans’ competencies.

Join us as we fight to change the status quo in higher education: please submit your JST, DD214, ERB and NCOER’s so that we can present the stories of our Servicemembers and Veterans to lawmakers and schools, making the case that Student Veterans deserve more college credit. Please block out all PII like Social Security Numbers, DODID numbers, and Date of Birth, prior to submitting documents.

Military Friendly Degree Programs

EANGUS has begun partnering with Colleges around the country who are willing to innovate and create military friendly degree programs in order to expedite qualified Student Veterans towards graduation. Collaborating with these schools and pioneering new programs will ensure current and past Servicemembers are given the recognition they deserve. Initially, only specific courses will be selected as pilots for this new program. But, we hope to create a uniform approach to assessing a Soldiers’ training and experience. EANGUS is proud to be leading the way in serving those who serve.

Reforming Higher Education

Recently, EANGUS engaged the Department of Education to be an active participant in the Department’s upcoming negotiated rulemaking on accreditation and innovation. EANGUS is working hard to safeguard Student Veterans’ and protect Servicemembers from critics that aim to limit a Soldier’s ability to choose where to utilize their hard-earned benefits. EANGUS is advocating that accreditors create a uniform policy for the assessment of Servicemembers’ military experience to expedite Student Veterans towards graduation in relevant degree programs, reducing taxpayer costs by eliminating redundant training.