
Roll Call – November 2019

by | Mar 1, 2019 | Roll Call

2019 Legislative Workshop Follow-up

The National Office hosted another successful workshop and storm the hill event in Washington, D.C. in February. If you have not already, please check out the policy point papers located on the on the EANGUS website. Also, please take action on the latest EANGUS Call to Action via VoterVoice. You can take action on the Legislative Action Center Page. The EANGUS storm the hill event and reception resulted in an increase of co-sponsors for H.R. 613 and S. 164. You can follow along by clicking on the hyperlinks. If your member of Congress or Senators are not listed as co-sponsors, please contact their offices and ask for their support.

Partnership with Veterans Affairs

The Enlisted Association of the National Guard has begun a partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to implement holistic suicide prevention measures. EANGUS and VA are working to implement total access to mental health resources for Non-federally Activated Guard and Reservists, to develop strategies and engage with all Veterans where they “work, live, and thrive,” so that no one is overlooked or forgotten.

Regulatory Language 

The Enlisted Association of the National Guard represented the interests of all Student Veterans. This February at the Department of Education’s Negotiated Rulemaking on Accreditation and Innovation comprised of twenty stakeholders, invited EANGUS to submit new regulatory language to strengthen the guardrails on distance education that will safeguard Student Veterans in online courses. If you are enrolled in a postsecondary online program, EANGUS invites you to share your story about your experience, and how we can further ensure that all Student Veterans receive valuable knowledge and an excellent education.

What it’s like to be a Student Veteran

The first in a series of videos that EANGUS has produced will be launching on Tuesday, March 5th and we need your help!  This important series of videos addresses issues that impact Student Veterans and their families.  The first video shows Veterans who are Students and Instructors sharing what it is like to be a Student Veteran, the unique hurdles we face as well as the amazing positive impact we bring to a classroom.  On Tuesday the 5th we are asking that you simply share the video with your friends and family on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.   We will be posting everything with the #StudentVeterans, @VetsEduProject, @EANGUS72  .  The video will be posted to YouTube HERE Thanks for your help!