EANGUS Fitness Challenge Athlete of the Year

Submit your nomination of a National Guard Member who exemplies an Athlete of the Year.

Selections will be based on the following criteria:

  • Fitness accomplishments over the past three years
  • Personal fitness achievements, impact on unit, community, and/or organizational fitness involvement
  • Impact or achievements in regards to the holistic well-being (spiritual, mental, emotional, or other types of fitness not previously listed)
  • Submit the following:
    • documentation of Army or Air Force fitness test / Retirees can upload their XXXXX
    • one color digital head and shoulders photo in service dress uniform /Retiress can upload XXX
    • two color digital photos of nominee performing athletic actions and descriptions
      (Note: Provide high-resolution photo files. 1MB or higher)
    • and narrative letter or memorandum describing achievements based on the criteria above


  • Nominee's Information

  • You have the option to type your narrative/justification or submit a letter/memorandum in pdf form. Annotate "Submitting pdf" in this section if uploading documents.
  • Nominee File Uploads

    If you receive an error when uploading, please email files to FitnessChallenge@eangus.org Subject: Nominee Files for "Nominee Name"
  • Max. file size: 125 MB.
  • Max. file size: 125 MB.
  • Max. file size: 125 MB.
  • Max. file size: 125 MB.
  • Max. file size: 125 MB.
  • Nomination Submitted By: