
EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – DEC 2022

by | Dec 1, 2022 | National News, Roll Call

To:      EANGUS Members
From:  EANGUS National Office

Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members

Building your relationship with Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)

The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve program (ESGR) which is operated by the Department of Defense, was established in 1972 in order to promote cooperation and understanding between reserve component service members and their civilian employers and to help resolve conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment.

For over 50 years ESGR has been there serving employers, servicemembers, and their families by being a communications resource and liaison between these stakeholders. With nearly 3000 ESGR volunteers across the nation, their hard work has strongly assisted the National Guard community balance the needs between military service, family, and their civilian employment.

The relationships between these stakeholders are very important and by working with ESGR, they can help ensure that it remains strong and successful.  It is strongly recommended that you reach out to your ESGR volunteer network and touch base. If you are unsure of who to reach out to, the link below will allow you to search by state to find your local representative.

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve > About ESGR > Contact > Local/State Pages

Furthermore, in an effort to recognize the numerous employers across the country that support their National Guard and Reserve Employees and their families, ESGR created several awards including the prestigious Freedom Award. If you have an employer that you believe goes above and beyond to support you as a military Servicemember and your family, please take a look at the awards link below and consider nominating them for an ESGR award.

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve > Employer Awards > ESGR Awards Programs

Let’s ensure that all of the supportive employers across our country receive the recognition warranted for their dedicated support to the National Guard and Reserve Communities.

EANGUS recommends that you will take a few minutes to learn a little more about ESGR, reach out to your local representatives, and if your employer goes above and beyond to support you, perhaps show your appreciation by nominating them for an award.

Healthcare for Our Troops

Many servicemembers without health care directly impact National Guard deployability, as no-notice deployments have increased to record highs over the last several years. It is critical to provide these benefits to National Guardsmen and Reservists to meet medical readiness requirements and ensure continuity of care, especially when deploying overseas.

Passing this critical legislation would address one of the most significant personnel challenges faced by National Guard and Reserve Component servicemembers.

Congress currently has two bills that would address these issues and aid the currently serving servicemembers in accomplishing their mission. 

H.R. 3512, the Healthcare for Our Troops Act, would provide zero out-of-pocket medical and dental care for servicemembers eligible for TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS). Their family members would remain eligible to purchase premium-based TRS. H.R. 3512 also addresses Tricare for early pay-eligible retirees that qualify for retirement pay before age sixty. It would also make technicians and other government employees who are not eligible for TRS eligible for coverage under Tricare. While this legislation was not included in the early NDAA markup, EANGUS continues to advocate for this legislation.

5142, the Healthcare for Our Troops Act, would provide premium-free, zero-cost-sharing medical coverage for Selected Reserve members eligible for TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) and address financial barriers to seeking mental health care. In addition to providing health insurance, the legislation would require a study on eliminating annual physicals during drills and replacing them with forms to be completed by civilian providers to assess medical readiness – giving commanders back valuable training days and saving over $162 million annually in contracted medical assessments. The legislation would also incentivize employers to hire Guard and Reserve members by lessening the demand for employer-sponsored healthcare plans.

Although S. 5142 would not cover dental or early pay eligible retirees, it would cover Technicians and other government employees who are not currently eligible to purchase TRS.

EANGUS has long supported healthcare for our serving National Guard and Reservists. These bills show that congress is dedicated to improving our force and realizes how vital we are to national security and homeland emergencies.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the EANGUS Legislative Director, Kevin Hollinger, at or 202-670-1826.  

Legislative Action Center

Legislative Events


EANGUS State Presidents/Legislative Workshop(s)

Location:                National Guard Memorial Building – 1 Massachusetts Avenue NW  |  Washington D.C. 20001
Host Hotel:            Phoenix Park Hotel | Reservation cut-off is 16 JAN 2023 | $169 + tax
When:                    11-15 February 2023
Registration fee:  State Presidents Workshop – $50 
                               Legislative Workshop Early Bird – $100 until 28 NOV 2022
                               $125 until 16 JAN 2023; $150 thereafter
                               No Refunds after 16 JAN 2023

Information and Registration


EANGUS Healthcare Survey

EANGUS invites you to take a brief 30-second survey to provide your feedback on the importance of healthcare and your military service.

Take the Survey

EANGUS Resources



Donate now to help National Guard families affected by the hurricanes

The impact of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian is being felt throughout Puerto Rico, Florida, and the entire southeast.  The hurricanes and their associated storms and flooding have devastated the lives of Americans across the region. National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are on duty and answering the call to help others in these areas, while many of their own homes and property were also affected.  The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is soliciting donations for the National Guard Relief Foundation so that we can help those National Guard members and families in need. We have already heard of at least a half dozen Soldiers in Puerto Rico who have lost their homes, and we’ve received grant applications from over 30 more Puerto Rico Soldiers and Airmen (so far) who need to replace basic household goods and food that was lost due to widespread power outages.  With the most recent devastation that occurred across the State of Florida, we expect to receive a large number of grant applications from those Soldiers and Airmen over the next few weeks or more as they start their recovery process.

The National Guard Relief Foundation is here to help; however, with the significant losses caused by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian and projected future needs, we are asking for your help. Please consider making a donation to the National Guard Relief Foundation to show your support for our Guard Family.  All disaster relief donations received will be used to provide direct support to those in need.  The EANGUS We Care for America / National Guard Relief Foundation is a 501c(3) charitable organization so your donation is tax-deductible.

Donations for our Disaster Relief Program are being accepted on our website.

For more information about the National Guard Relief Foundation, or if you know of a National Guard member impacted by these hurricanes, or another catastrophic situation or financial hardship, please refer them to our website.  Applications for grants and no-interest loans are being accepted now – eligibility criteria are shown on our website.  Membership in EANGUS is not required to apply for assistance.  Questions may be directed to

Thank you for your support!

Donate to National Guard Relief Fund

Donate to CFC

The Foundation has received funding from USAA for the EANGUS We Care for America National Guard Emergency Relief Grant and Interest-Free Loan Program.

With thousands of National Guard members and their families facing financial hardships as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and other emergencies, the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and the We Care for America Foundation have teamed up to help National Guard members and families in need.

Go to the EANGUS-WCFA website for the criteria to apply for a WCFA Grants and Interest-Free Loans.


Did you know there are several ways to donate to the We Care for America Foundation?

Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select “EANGUS We Care for America Foundation Inc” as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They’ll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.

How it works: 
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on “AmazonSmile” within Programs & Features
3. Select “EANGUS We Care For America Foundation Inc” as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app





Operation VetCare was established in 2017 by EANGUS as a program designed to assist Military Service Members, Veterans, and their families who face special issues or challenges associated with military service. This program has continued to grow over the last several years. Assistance provided through this program may vary based on the limited funds available but may assist by providing support in the form of gift cards for food, clothing, and other necessary items during a service-related crisis.  Through this program, EANGUS has been able to assist hundreds of people during a time of significant need. Click the button for more information on how you can support this initiative through donations or to request assistance.

Operation VetCare

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