
EANGUS Signs Joint Letter with AUSA on Budget!

by | Mar 16, 2024 | National News

The Association of the U.S. Army, joined by four other military associations, is calling on Congress to pass the fiscal year 2024 defense appropriations bill before the current stopgap funding expires March 22.

In the letter, Brown is joined by retired Air Force Master Sgt. Daniel Reilly, president of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States; Stuart Bradin, president and CEO of the Global Special Operations Forces Foundation; retired Maj. Gen. Francis McGinn, president of the National Guard Association of the United States; and Cara Rinkoff, national executive director of the U.S. Army Warrant Officers Association.

“Domestic emergencies like wildfires and floods frequently also require service members to execute critical missions in support of civilian authorities. This makes sufficient and timely funding vital to national security and to the well-being of our service members and their families,” the letter states.


Find the full letter here!