All EANGUS State Associations are invited to join the Membership Committee as we kick off our 2019 Membership Drive.  We challenge each State Association to get at least 150 (or more) New Members during this period. 

The “Fall in Love with Your Association!” membership drive starts on February 14, 2019, and is designed as a competitive way to pursue gaining New EANGUS Members.  We challenge each State, Territory, and Chapter to increase its members and are offering  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes to the associations with the highest percentage of New Members during the dates of the competition.  

First Prize is $5,000 (Awarded to State Association with the highest percentage increase of New Members)

Second Prize is $2,500 (Awarded to the 2nd highest percentage increase)

Third Prize is $1,000 (Awarded to the 3rd highest percentage increase)

Additionally, current EANGUS members are our “recruiters” so we are counting on them to assist the State Associations and bring in New Members.  We will also award a prize of $1,000 to the one EANGUS member with the highest number of referrals/recruits during the competition period. 

Our Membership Drive is designed to be fun and competitive, and will conclude at midnight on July 4th when we will “Celebrate our Association” and all your great work.   Let’s all work to increase EANGUS Membership throughout the United States and become the leading enlisted association with the most members!  Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the 2019 EANGUS National Conference in Des Moines, IA.

Please view the attachments below which include the Membership Drive Rules and Guidelines, as well as two flyers that you can use to publicize the competition. All questions should be referred to our Membership Committee Chairs Jonathan Wilson and Mark Cusimano at membership@eangus.org

Rules and Guidelines

Distro Flyer

Distro Flyer 2