CMSgt John M Harris

17th EANGUS President

State Association:  Illinois
Term:  2014 – 2018

Organizational Achievements

Hired Frank Yoakum as our Executive Director, sold the Alexandria VA Building, secured a suite/office space in the National Guard Memorial Building, passed a complete revision of the EANGUS Bylaws. Created the Drill Talking Points monthly publication that contained things for units to brief at their roll call. Created an investment account at Schwab with the proceeds from the building sale and the restricted reserve. Created a membership site for the EANGUS Auxiliary. Post-9/11 GI Bill Expansion, eliminating the 15 year cap, and increase transferability of benefits to other beneficiaries.

Organizational Challenges

State Associations struggle with technology and marketing. EANGUS began providing websites and State brochures at no cost that includes an automated membership system, the ability to accept credit card payments, and a way to provide corporate partners a value to do business with the State Associations.

Legislative Accomplishments

Testified to prevent Active Duty taking the Apache Attack Helicopter out of the National Guard. Increased retirement points. Fixed the 12304b benefits issue so that National Guard members receive the proper benefits earned, including pre- and post-mobilization TRICARE health care, Post-9/11 GI Bill accrual, High-Deployment Allowance accrual for all Reserve Component servicemembers, and Non-reduction in pay protections for National Guard service member who are also federal employees. Gained parity in the payment of Survivor’s Benefits for National Guard Families. Elevate the SEA to the CNGB to the same status as other SEAs on the JCS. Advocated for the Blended Retirement System, which combines traditional military retirement pensions with defined contributions to a 401(k)-style Thrift Savings Plan account, thereby increasing the number of servicemembers receiving a retirement benefit accrual to 85%. Defeated Congressional efforts to successfully prohibit the retirement of the A-10 close-air support aircraft. Passed legislation to treat deaths during drill weekends the same as those on active duty under the Survivors Benefit Plan (SBP). Succeeded in changing the federal “veteran” definition to include all National Guard and Reserve retirees, conveying the honor of federal veteran status to Reserve Component servicemembers. Fought for and supported the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 and included significant National Guard GI Bill benefit expansions, including: Increased eligibility for Reserve Component servicemembers who have served less than 36 months on active duty, elimination of the 15-year cap on using GI Bill benefits, and expansion of policies to make increase transferability of benefits to other beneficiaries.