SFC Delano C. Kerby

11th EANGUS President

State Association:  Alabama
Term:  1998 – 2002

Organizational Achievements

Establishment of the EANGUS Restricted Reserve Account. During the Legislative Workshop in 1998, EANGUS presented Congressman Ted Stevens (R-AK) the Sonny V. Montgomery Eagle Award and everyone from the National Guard Bureau and NGAUS showed up to the event; they filled up the building. We also presented an award to Strom Thurmond (R-SC) for his passing of a bill that improved benefits for the National Guard. Provided mentorship and encouragement to a future EANGUS President who was at that time SSG Karen Craig. Additionally, NGAUS first began allowing EANGUS to use their meeting hall for meetings and workshops during this timeframe.

Organizational Challenges

Getting a dues increase from $6.00 to $9.00 in order to afford ongoing efforts and $1.00 of that increase would go into the EANGUS Restricted Reserve. This was part of the deal for the increase and it started in January of 2000, and this fund saved the Association several time when we were hit during hard times. Board Meetings were always conducted in Washington D.C., which was expensive, and so the change was made to hold Board meetings off-site at different sites and use State National Guard facilities. This saved the Association thousands of dollars every quarter. The relationship between EANGUS and NGAUS was still forming, and there was a board member of a State Association who sued the TAG of the State, and that TAG went on to become the President of NGAUS. This causes animosity between the two Associations for a couple of years until President Kerby was able to smooth things over.

Legislative Accomplishments

Provided imminent danger pay to National Guard servicemembers comparable to the Active Component. Creation of a Thrift Savings Plan for the National Guard and Reserve, expand TRICARE Dental Program access to family members, and extend VA loans to the National Guard and Reserve for eight years. Increased the maximum number of retirement points per year from 75 to 90, as well as extend several special pays, bonuses, and benefits. Provided TRICARE for Life eligibility to all Medicare-eligible retirees of the uniformed services and family members. Provided disability coverage for National Guard servicemembers injured while traveling overnight within normal commuting distance to their homes.