SGM Anthony R. Nathe

7th EANGUS President

State Association:  Minnesota
Term:  1988 – 1990

Organizational Achievements

In 1990, at the EANGUS Conference in Minneapolis, MN; the purchase of the first EANGUS National Headquarters on Prince Street in Alexandria, VA was approved. Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Guard Association of the United Sates (NGAUS), guaranteeing EANGUS 2000 square feet of office space in the new National Guard Memorial Building after its scheduled completion in November 1990. Two consecutive EANGUS membership records of 54,785 members in 1989 and 56,968 in 1990. Established the EANGUS “We Care for America Family Education Program and Workshops”. Assisted NGB and NGAUS in publishing regulation “Assistance to National Associations”. Presentation of the Minuteman Award and Life Membership card to President George H.W. Bush at the White House, and a Minuteman Award to General William Westmoreland.

Organizational Challenges

In 1979 he attended his first EANGUS Conference in Phoenix, Arizona; and was appointed the EANGUS Publications Chair by President Bryce Hendricks. His first newsletters consisted of a quarterly self-mailer that was sent to selected EANGUS leaders, including State Presidents and the EANGUS Executive Board called “The Missing Link”. It was designed to promote open communication with the EANGUS Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, and State Association Presidents.

In 1980, he was elected EANGUS Secretary in Milwaukee, WI; (and with his wife, Roberta), they published the first issue of The New Patriot Magazine in November 1982, and for the next eight years, they published quarterly (4 issues per year) until their last issue in December 1990. During this eight-year period, they published 32 consecutive issues of The New Patriot Magazine, which included 1,426 pages, and 1,426,719 issues distributed nationwide. Eventually, it was direct mailed to all members of EANGUS when it was offered voluntary to states for a small labeling & mailing fee, until a dues increase was passed.

Legislative Accomplishments

Make the Montgomery GI Bill permanent. Authorize several personnel benefits for Guardsmen, which included: Basic allowance for quarters for single servicemembers without dependents. Payment of medical special pay at active-duty rates. Variable housing allowance upon mobilization.