October 2023 Board Vote

After talking with our Treasurer, I would like to ask each of you to vote on moving the Walmart money earmarked for 2024 in the amount of $90,000 into our operational funds immediately. This e-vote will be ratified at our next meeting, but action must be taken sooner and will be discussed at our finance committee meetings and the Executive Council meeting. The funds are being requested for early release to pay for our “must pay,” which includes salaries and rent equaling around $50,000/month. Reconciliation of the 2023 EANGUS conference is still underway. Currently, it looks as though we will have to pay a $45,000 bill regarding exhibit area expenses and another $12,000 to the Minnesota Enlisted Association.

For those of you who are new to the board, here is some background information;

-Going into our 4th Quarter Meeting in 2022, our national office revenues were drastically over-forecasted from events like the Golf Tournament, Virtual Career Fairs, etc.

-We did identify expenditures such as the absorbent amount it cost us to send out emails and communications as well as printed copies of the New Patriot and put in correct actions to mitigate those costs.   

-The Chesapeake DM Group Inc., which has done our major fundraising over the last five years, has ceased operations for us in December of 2022, citing that the market for military nonprofit donations, as well as (MSOs & VSOs) isn’t there and has been becoming extremely difficult to promote with success.

-Corporate partnership revenue projections still need to be met.

-Catapult, another fundraising company that started in 2022, was unsuccessful in its endeavors for charitable donations to EANGUS, resulting in a $30,000.00 loss.

-In April of 2023, the Executive Council voted to end our exclusivity of USAA, resulting in an $80,000.00 loss with no replacement or backup revenue.

-The EANGUS National Office has made two new hires this year: a Legislative Assistant and Executive Director.

-Corporate renewals/revenue has outstanding amounts.

-States need to reconcile their membership.

Please place your vote NLT Monday at 0800 EST. Thank you.

Move the Walmart money earmarked for 2024 in the amount of $90,000 into our operational funds immediately.(Required)