MSgt Blaine Ross

10th EANGUS President

State Association:  South Dakota
Term:  1994- 1998

Organizational Achievements

At the 1995 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, future Republican presidential nominee and WWII hero, Senator Robert Dole, was a keynote speaker. It was an honor to introduce him to the attendees and I believe it is the only time a presidential candidate has spoken at an annual conference. LTG Baca (CNGB at the time) added a third enlisted position to the NGB Advisory Council; the EANGUS President. In addition to quarterly meetings and telephone conference calls LTG Baca, included us on a high-level visit to several former Soviet Bloc countries with whom the National Guard had state partnerships. This was a first for our association.

Organizational Challenges

Low membership dues structure, lack of corporate partners, and unequal sharing of revenue from the NGAUS Insurance Trust. Because the membership was reluctant to increase dues, relationships with corporate sponsors became a priority including our relationship with what became our top corporate partner: USAA.  A new agreement was also negotiated with the NGAUS Insurance Trust that significantly increased revenue for our association. In 1998, the EANGUS conference attendees voted to reduce the EANGUS Executive Council from four (4) to three (3) Directors per area. This was accomplished in an effort to improve the functionality of the Executive Council and as a cost-saving measure.

Legislative Accomplishments

EANGUS was instrumental in preventing cuts to ARNG Divisions, reduction in ANG assigned aircraft and protecting NG force structure. EANGUS also played a crucial role in preserving the Reserve Component Automation System (RCAS) program. Approved the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA); comprehensive legislation to protect the civilian employment of Reserve Component servicemembers mobilized for active duty. Authorize burial rights for retired National Guard and Reserve servicemembers at any VA cemetery. Defeated efforts to significantly cut National Guard Military Technicians and led Congress to mandate that force structure dictate any future changes to military technician end strength. Defeated proposed cuts to Army National Guard divisions and reductions from 15 to 12, and reductions in Air National Guard general-purpose flying unit authorized aircraft.