MSgt Robert L. Spencer
1st EANGUS President
State Association: South Dakota
Term: 1972 – 1974

Organizational Achievements
EANGUS was formally established in 1972. The official EANGUS logo was created and remains the same today. 1st Annual Conference was conducted in Sioux Falls, SD from 25-29 September 1972; it was attended by representatives from 23 chartered State Associations who passed 15 resolutions. First edition of the New Patriot Magazine was published in February 1974. Filed and received initial Articles of Incorporation in the State of Mississippi on 9 April 1974. Bob was the only EANGUS member to have gone from President to Past President to Vice President (with Virgil Williams).
Organizational Challenges
Contacting State Enlisted leaders and working to get chartered State Associations established throughout the United States and U.S. Territories. Operating with temporary officers in many States and establishing communications. During the forming, there was a discussion on why the word “Enlisted” needed to be in the name of EANGUS at all. There was a point of view that the Officers didn’t have the word “Officer” in their association name, so why would we need to have Enlisted in our name. There was a meeting in Cheyenne, and that was a formation meeting that consisted of everyone west of the Mississippi River. Later that year, there was a meeting in St. Louis that consisted of representatives from States east of the Mississippi River. The membership dues was a major point of contention. SGM Virgil Williams was totally against charging more than $1.00 per member, and his point was that we needed membership more than money. This was the starting point for EANGUS, and that dollar was to be split with the States (.50 cents each). Many of the State Associations that were already in existence, had State Association dues established and the smaller .50 cent dues wasn’t much incentive for them to accept. Getting space in the National Guard Memorial Building was also a point of contention that was eventually solved.
Legislative Accomplishments
Legislation approved to expand BX/PX usage which authorized NG/RC to use the BX/PX 2 days a month on other than a training date and allowed spouse to accompany. Legislation passed to provide Full-time coverage under Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program; this authorized coverage of up to $20,000 for $3.40 month; previous coverage was limited to payment only if death occurred while on duty. Other resolutions that were passed at the August 1973 Conference included: 100% retirement credit for past federal technician service; Raising the 60 point IDT ceiling on retirement point credits that can be earned per year; GI Bill benefits for the NG/RC; Establishment of enlistment and reenlistment bonuses for NG/RC; Establishment of Senior Enlisted Leader positions of the Army National Guard CSM and Air National Guard CCM.