EANGUS Strategic Plan


Strategic Plan Executive Summary: 

The 2022-2027 Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) Strategic Plan serves as our organization’s road map to the future. Being intentional in design, implementation and evaluation ensures that we improve and grow the organization’s capacity and capabilities to support the EANGUS Mission.

The EANGUS Strategic Planning Committee conducted a comprehensive review and was deliberate in analyzing the current position of EANGUS.  Over the last 12 months, the committee worked together using a comprehensive strategic planning process to identify key areas and tasks that EANGUS must focus on to become more successful and enable our association to better support the National Guard Community.  Like any strategic document, it will serve as a compass to guide the organization’s current and future actions.  Additionally, it is critically important to understand that while strategic plans provide direction, they must be periodically reviewed to ensure that the direction of the organization is appropriate for the current environment. Just like a triathlete does while swimming, you must ensure that you regularly look at where you are going, so you don’t find yourself way off course. However, the one constant within our world is change and EANGUS must learn to be agile and must be prepared to pivot or adjust processes, procedures, or priorities to successfully move forward and accomplish its goals.

Ensuring that EANGUS remains a financially stable, politically relevant, and a staunch advocate for the National Guard Community is paramount.

The Strategic Planning Committee, through collaborative work, created an updated Vision, Mission, and Goals for EANGUS.  These updates will chart our course going forward and will provide the necessary direction needed to enable further organizational development and stability.

Vision Statement

To be the premier professional Association bettering the lives of enlisted National Guard members, veterans, retirees, and their families.

Mission Statement

To promote, safeguard and improve the status, welfare, and professionalism of enlisted National Guard members, veterans, retirees, and their families through legislation, employment, education, emergency resources and partnerships.


  • Advocate to the Legislative and Executive branches of the Federal government, Department of Defense, and the Veterans Administration to provide adequate staffing, pay, benefits, entitlements, equipment, and installations for the National Guard Community.
  • Provide opportunities and resources to assist unemployed and underemployed members within the National Guard Community.
  • Provide opportunities and resources to educate and assist National Guard Community members with educational needs.
  • Build a strong coalition of partners committed to support the National Guard Community so that our members can thrive and be successful.
  • Provide emergency resources to the National Guard Community and become the official National Guard Emergency Relief program.

The items listed above are the foundational elements of the EANGUS Strategic Plan. They are further supported by ten specific strategic priorities and coordinating objectives that are presented within the overall strategic planning document.  The EANGUS Strategic Plan articulates how the association will address each priority as well as identifies any specific gaps that need to be addressed to accomplish these priorities.

The EANGUS Strategic Plan was approved for implementation by the Executive Council on 18 May 2022.


A copy of the entire EANGUS Strategic Plan to include specific Strategic Objectives and associated target dates and responsibilities for each of the ten priorities, can be found at the link below.  Also attached below is a graphic summary of the EANGUS Strategic Plan.

EANGUS Master Strategic Plan Final 18May2022

EANGUS Strategic Plan 2022 2027 Summary Flyer


Questions may be referred to eangus@eangus.org