Clay | Kim | EANGUS Auxiliary | | |
Rolstone | Kim | National Guard Association of Connecticut | | |
Hollinger | Kevin | Indiana | | |
Smith | Kelly | NGAOK | | |
Craig | Karen | Arizona | | |
Couts | Justin | EANYNG | | |
Nalley | Justin | Ohio | | |
Wood | Judy P. | Alabama | | |
Perkins | Judi | National Guard Association of Indiana | | |
nalls | joyelle | GEORGIA | | |
Saitta | Joyce | National Guard Association of Colorado | | |
Quintana | Josie | USAA | | |
Way | Josh | Maine EANGUS | | |
Ochs | Joseph | EANGKY | | |
Gray | Josepb | Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association | | |
ESCOBAR | JOSE | Nevada Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States | | |
Howell | Jolene | EANGUT | | |
Harris | John | EANGUS | | |
Guimond | Joe | EANGUT | | |
Gardiner | Joan | EANGUS | | |
Truesdale | Jessica | OH (Ohio) | | |
Reed | Jerry | South Carolina | | |
Thompson | Jeremy | Enlisted National Guard Association of Alabama (ENGAA) | | |
Frisby | Jeffrey | Area IV | | |
Roloff | Jeff | Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Iowa (EANGI) | | |