CSM Virgil Williams

2nd EANGUS President

State Association:  Mississippi
Term:  1974 – 1976

Organizational Achievements

SGM Williams served as the first temporary President of EANGUS from 1969-1972, before the association was formally organized in 1972. He then served as Vice-President from 1972-1974 under President Spencer before being elected as EANGUS President in 1974. By 1975, EANGUS had grown to having 38 chartered State Associations with over 20,000 members. Years later, the first EANGUS Scholarship was formed in his honor and that scholarship program continues to this day as a $2,000 award to deserving National Guard members.

Organizational Challenges

Initially, EANGUS was viewed by many TAGs as the creation of a union by the Technician force. SGM Williams’ TAG threatened his job with the MS National Guard if he were to be the President of EANGUS. Despite these challenges, SGM Williams continued working to grow the organization, increase membership, and ultimately became the 2nd EANGUS President. The establishment of the State Associations was a huge challenge, and Virgil traveled around the United States and helped other States create their first Board and slate of elected officers. Some states, Alabama for example, were formed and the officers were elected while everyone was in the field on Annual Training while at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Legislative Accomplishments

Testified in 1975 before the House Subcommittee on Retirement and Employee Benefits regarding HR 100 – 100% Retirement for National Guard Technicians. His testimony addressed the 45% reduction in annuities and limitations on retirement noting that National Guard Technicians were being treated differently than any other civil service employee as a result of the National Guard Technician Act of 1968, Public Law 90-486. EANGUS continued to work on this for several years. Bolstered National Guard benefits to improve recruiting and retention for the new all-volunteer force, which included: Housing allowances for new National Guard servicemembers under the Reserve Enlistment Program, Full-time group life insurance coverage, authority to withhold premiums from drill pay for state-sponsored insurance, burial flags, and increased access to space-available travel.