Resolution TitleFamily Care Plan- Military Family Transition Assistance
Date CreatedMarch 5, 2024
Proposal TypeNew
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)CA
Business Case

Securing the well-being of nontraditional military families is crucial for a smooth transition back to civilian life and maintaining strong family bonds. Veterans often face challenges with child custody and visitation rights post-service due to incomplete documentation, resulting in the heartbreaking separation of families. Family separation not only impacts the veterans' morale and retention but also contributes to homelessness and the concerning statistic of 20-22 veteran suicides per day.

The statistics also highlight a disproportionate number of single-parent members within the National Guard. Recognizing the unique needs of these families is essential. Providing practical tools and resources, such as legal assistance for custody matters, mental health support, and family counseling, can help mitigate the struggles faced by nontraditional military families before, during, and after deployment. By offering comprehensive support, we can enhance the well-being of these families and ensure a smoother transition to civilian life for our veterans.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges Congress to prioritize efforts to reunify service members with their children following completion of duty. The challenges of military service, parenting responsibilities, and personal hardships can create significant stress for individuals serving in the armed forces.

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