2021 Grantham University Scholarships

by | Feb 12, 2021 | Education

Grantham University is awarding two full undergraduate or graduate scholarships to the University. The scholarship value depends on the degree selected and credits transferred.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be members of EANGUS or
  • Spouses of EANGUS members or
  • Unmarried sons or daughters of EANGUS members or
  • Unmarried spouses or unmarried dependent sons or daughters of deceased EANGUS members who were in good standing at the time of their death.
  • Applicants must complete a 300 word essay with personal, specific facts as to their desire to continue their education and why financial assistance is required.
  • Applicants must meet Grantham University’s minimum admissions requirements.
  • Applicants must meet any special program admissions requirements.
  • Scholarship recipient must begin studies at Grantham University within six months of being awarded the scholarship.
  • The scholarship is only valid in the name of the original recipient. It cannot be transferred.

As a condition of accepting the scholarship, each applicant will be asked to grant permission to Grantham University to release information contained in the scholarship application to the news media in the event that he or she is awarded this scholarship.

Continuing Eligibility Requirements

  • The scholarship recipient must maintain good academic standing.
  • The scholarship recipient must remain continuously enrolled as defined in the University Catalog.

Please note: The scholarship donated to EANGUS provides an opportunity for the recipient to obtain a degree. The recipient must comply with all University policies, including the Admissions requirements and Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Applicants will be notified of the Scholarship Committee’s decision via email approximately 30 days after the scholarship application deadline. Following receipt of the Scholarship Committee’s decision, the chosen recipient must respond to the Committee within 30 days indicating his or her intent to accept the scholarship. Should the chosen recipient fail to timely respond to the Committee, the scholarship will be awarded to the next highest qualifying applicant.

Grantham University will make three attempts to award the scholarships. If the first, second and third place candidates decline the scholarships, Grantham will not award the scholarships for that current year.

There will be no consideration given whatsoever because of friendship, rank or grade of an applicant, applicant’s parents or applicant’s spouse. Neither shall the applicant’s geographical place of residence be considered. Awards will be made on basis of scholarship, character, leadership and need.

Apply Today:  Click Here