by John Harris | Apr 14, 2020 | National News
The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the American way of life and National Guard bases and armories are not immune. Amid social distancing guidelines and growing infection numbers, officials in each of the 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia are taking...
by John Harris | Apr 7, 2020 | Resources
Though the U.S. economy started the year strong, things began to look less optimistic for job seekers as the coronavirus crisis gained momentum. Job postings on ZipRecruiter’s online employment marketplace were on the rise until Feb. 17. Since then, we have seen a 14%...
by John Harris | Feb 12, 2020 | National News
I have been testing out an app called Otter. In a word, it is fantastic, and a huge help to a State Association who wants an easy way to take notes and record their Association/Board meetings. Best of all, the FREE version is all you need. There is a premium...
by John Harris | Jan 2, 2020 | Roll Call
Welcome to 2020 everyone! We at the national office hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and are looking forward to another huge year. A couple of HUGE wins happened at the buzzer just before congress recessed for the holidays. The 2020 NDAA Many people were...
by John Harris | Dec 30, 2019 | Roll Call
Happy Holidays Everyone! With 2019 coming to a close we wanted to give you all updates on some of the issues we have been working on. As we press on into 2020, we will need your continued help and support to make sure lawmakers know how important these issues are to...