Iranian Hackers targeting Veteran Job Seekers

Iranian Hackers targeting Veteran Job Seekers

National Guard Advisory:  AD-19-21 Iranian Hackers Target US Military Personnel The above link is to an advisory from the National Guard Bureau, sharing information about a job seeking website that will install malicious software onto a visitor’s device. National...
CMSAF Wright’s Video message on resiliency

CMSAF Wright’s Video message on resiliency

The Pentagon’s Defense Suicide Prevention Office released some troubling statistics recently in their fourth-quarter suicide report for CY 2018. A total of 325 active-duty service members died by their hand in 2018, surpassing the previously recorded number of...
Roll Call – November 2018

Roll Call – November 2018

Congressional Call to Action The Enlisted Association of the National Guard (EANGUS) published an Op-Ed in the Military Times decrying the recent move by The Department of Educations to remove important data from the College Scorecard.  This move also negatively...