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Donate to the National Guard Relief Foundation via the Combined Federal Campaign
** Please disseminate this information to all National Guard Units/Wings. Full-time personnel, federal technicians, and other federal employees are encouraged to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. Traditional Soldiers and Airmen may donate to the National...

EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – SEP 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members Every year, EANGUS develops priorities based on the grassroots input of our members using the resolutions process. We use...

Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety, Ruling June 29th, 2022
Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety, Ruling June 29th, 2022 Ruling interpreted by Kevin Hollinger For Several years, EANGUS has supported and has been closely tracking a legal case known as Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety. On June 29, 2022, the...

EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – JUL 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members President Biden released the FY23 President’s Budget on March 28th, 2022, with most of the supporting documents not being...

EANGUS New Patriot – Spring/Summer 2022 Edition
Featured: President's Communique Auxiliary's Side by Side From the Vice President From the Executive Director Junior Enlisted Corner Membership Washington Watch Memorial Day We Care for America (WCFA) Higher Education Patriots Quarters Executive Councils...

2022 EANGUS Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations! 2022 EANGUS Scholarship Recipients CSM Virgil R. Williams Scholarship Sponsored by USAA & AFBA Lydia Baker - Dependent of SMSgt Trevor Baker - Alabama Jacob Burress - Dependent of SFC Darrin Burress, Ret. - Iowa Audrey Cavanias - Dependent...

EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – JUN 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members The Chief of the National Guard Bureau Testifies to Congress "The past 20 years have proven the National Guard has...

National Guard Community Virtual Career Fair – POSTPONED
IMPORTANT UPDATE National Guard Community Virtual Career Fair POSTPONED Due to unforeseen issues, the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is postponing the National Guard Community Virtual Career Fair that was scheduled to take...

EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – MAY 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members According to a new Pentagon policy published in February, National Guard and Reserve Servicemembers will receive a Defense...

EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – APR 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members After close to six months of Continuing Resolutions and concerns over Government Shutdowns, Congress was finally able to...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant