
Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – January 2021

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Roll Call

2021 Military Pay Raise – President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday night implementing a federal pay raise for civilian employees and military members in 2021.  Military members are set to receive a 3% pay raise in 2021, and take effect Jan. 1, 2021.The Pentagon has announced the annual cost of living adjustment to military retired pay for 2021, which will be a 1.3 percent increase for most retirees – reflected in pay starting December 31 2020. (This year’s increase was 1.6 percent.).  DoD said that survivors of members that died on active or inactive duty, or survivors of military retirees who participated in the Survivor Benefit Plan will also see a 1.3 percent increase to their annuities beginning in January – in most cases.  Survivors who are eligible for the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA) will also receive an increase to their SSIA payments that reflects this 1.3 percent adjustment (with a maximum pay of $327).By law, military pay increases each year based on the Employment Cost Index, a Labor Department measurement of salaries and employer-paid benefits. The increase is automatic unless Congress or the White House decides to change the amount. However, increases are more than one year behind. For example, the 2021 raise is based on the ECI for 2019, which was rounded up from 2.9%. ​​​​​  Effective Friday, Jan. 1, basic pay and drill pay will increase by 3%, a boost that also applies to any bonuses calculated on multiples of basic pay.

Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 – On January 5, 2021 President Trump signed this bill, expanding eligibility for benefits for more Guardsmen and their families.  Among them, is the expansion of eligibility for VA Home Loans to members of the National Guard who have served on Title 32 orders under sections 316, 502, 503, 504, or 505 of the federal law for a cumulative total of 90 days with, at least one period of 30 consecutive days.  This will apply to many Soldiers and Airmen mobilized for the coronavirus pandemic missions, making them eligible for a VA-guaranteed mortgage where they previously were not.  The new law also provides a presumption of service-connection for military members who contract the coronavirus within 14 days of the completion of duty in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Additionally, it also extends USERRA protections to National Guard members who serve at least 14 days on State Active Duty orders or are called up to respond to a national emergency or federal natural disaster; these protections did not previously exist for personnel serving on State Active Duty.   Military Sexual Trauma (MST) counseling services at the VA have also been expanded to former members of the National Guard or Reserve. This section would also allow the VA to treat physical health conditions arising as a result of MST, not just mental health conditions. Previously, MST counseling was limited to only currently serving members of the Guard and Reserve.