First Name | Last Name | Association | Ticket Type | Attendee Status | Meal |
THOMAS | McNAMARA | New Hampshire | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
PATRICIA | McNAMARA | New Hampshire | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
MICHAEL | MANNARINO | New York | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
JEANNINE | MANNARINO | New York | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Chicken |
Kaila | Margheim | North Dakota | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Attendee | Gluten Free |
DONALD | MCDOWELL | Ohio | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
NANCY | MCDOWELL | Ohio | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Auxiliary | Chicken |
NATE | MONASTRA | Ohio | 2015 INVITED DG-VIP | Past President | Beef |
SONDRA | MONASTRA | Ohio | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
Tony | McGraw | Ohio | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Beef |
Kim | McGraw | Ohio | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Chicken |
Jessica | Morrison | Oklahoma | 2015 Professional Development (Official Orders) | Professional Development | Chicken |
CAELEN | MOORE | Oregon | 2015 Professional Development (Official Orders) | Professional Development | Chicken |
SPENCER | MARTIN | Oregon | 2015 Attendee Ticket (AFTER 1 JULY) | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Chicken |
JOEL | MUTSCHLER | Pennsylvania | 2015 Executive Council/Conference Staff/National Office | Executive Council | Beef |
Jeffrey | Moore | Pennsylvania | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Gluten Free |
Richard | Murphy | Pennsylvania | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
Walter | Milewski | Pennsylvania | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Chicken |
Janice | Milewski | Pennsylvania | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Guest (of an Attendee) | Beef |
Roger | Marlowe | South Carolina | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Beef |
Brenda | Marlowe | South Carolina | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
DONALD | MAPES JR | Tennessee | 2015 Executive Council/Conference Staff/National Office | Executive Council | Chicken |
BILLIE | MAPES | Tennessee | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Auxiliary | Chicken |
BILL | MAGINOT | Texas | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Chicken |
SHARON | MAGINOT | Texas | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
First Name | Last Name | Association | Ticket Type | Attendee Status | Meal |