First Name | Last Name | Association | Ticket Type | Attendee Status | Meal |
Wayne | Riley | Idaho | 2015 Attendee Ticket (AFTER 1 JULY) | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Beef |
Alicia | Riddle | Virginia | 2015 Additional Exhibitor/Corporate Partner | Corporate Partner: Platinum | No, I will not attend |
Jeremy | Richardson | MIssissippi | 2015 Corporate Partner PLATINUM | Corporate Partner: Platinum | Chicken |
ABIGAYLE | RICHARD | Louisiana | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Attendee | Beef |
MICHAEL | RICE | New Hampshire | 2015 Executive Council/Conference Staff/National Office | Executive Council | Chicken |
KATHLEEN | RICE | New Hampshire | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Auxiliary | Chicken |
Mike | Rice | Tennessee | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Attendee | Beef |
Sharon | Rice | Tennessee | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Attendee | Beef |
Mike | Reyna | Virginia | 2015 Corporate Partner PLATINUM | Corporate Partner: Platinum | No, I will not attend |
Jacqui | Rettew | Pennsylvania | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
Chad | Rettew | Pennsylvania | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Chicken |
Daniel | Reilly | Connecticut | 2015 Executive Council/Conference Staff/National Office | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Beef |
WILLIAM | REID | Florida | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
SANDY | REID | Florida | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
PATTI | REESOR | Alabama | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
Jerry | Reed | South Carolina | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Delegate (authorized and confirmed by your State Association) | Beef |
Jackie | Reed | South Carolina | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Chicken |
Harold E. | Reed | Wyoming | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Attendee | Beef |
Jenn | Reed | Banquet Only | 2015 Additional Banquet Ticket (Non-Registered Guest) | Banquet Only | Beef |
Jennifer | Reecy | South Dakota | 2015 INVITED DG-VIP | INVITED DG/VIP | Chicken |
Amanda | Rebich | Indiana | 2015 Additional Banquet Ticket (Non-Registered Guest) | Conference Staff | Chicken |
DIANNA | RAYMOND | Iowa | 2014 Pre-Registrations *CLOSED* | Attendee | Beef |
Raymond | Ray | North Carolina | 2015 Attendee Ticket (Regular) | Attendee | Beef |
Tim | Ray | Colorado | 2015 Corporate Partner PLATINUM | Corporate Partner: Platinum | Chicken |
Elizabeth | Ranson | Indiana | 2015 Additional Exhibitor/Corporate Partner | Exhibitor: Non-Profit/Government/Military | No, I will not attend |
First Name | Last Name | Association | Ticket Type | Attendee Status | Meal |