Resolution TitleTRICARE for Young Adults Extension
Resolution Description (Short)

Calls to remove the government exemption in the ACA that requires healthcare plans to provide healthcare coverage for dependents until they are 26.

Proposal TypeNew
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)Utah
Business Case

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires plans and insurers that offer dependent child coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches age 26. Furthermore, commercial and employer-sponsored plans are required by law to offer this coverage at a price comparable with those who would have been covered at a younger age. Currently, unmarried biological, step-children and adopted children are eligible for TRICARE coverage until the age of 21 (or 23 if enrolled in full-time college). Eligibility may extend beyond these age limits if the dependent child is severely disabled. At age 21 (or 23 if a full-time college student), the child may qualify to purchase TRICARE Young Adult. This discrepancy between commercial plans is due to an exemption in the ACA that does not extend these requirements to government plans.

This legislation was introduced as the Health Care Fairness for Military Families Act of 2023 (HR 1045 and S956) in the 118th Congress.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges Congress to require TRICARE to provide Young Adult Extended Coverage to the age of 26 for all qualified dependents under the sponsor's plan.

ReferencesACA, Title 42 USC Sec 2714
Primary Resolution CategoryHealthcare
Secondary Resolution CategoryFamily Support
Submission Date03/06/2024
Committee Status1
Date of Committee Recommendation08/19/2024
Adoption Status1
Date of Adoption08/21/2024
Resolution StatusActive