Displaying 1 - 25 of 87

#Resolution TitleResolution Description (Short)Primary Resolution Category
24-01Veterans Court Services Expansion Program

Calls to support federally-funded Veterans Treatment Court programs for the treatment of justice-involved veterans suffering from substance abuse and/or mental

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
24-02TRICARE for Young Adults Extension

Calls to remove the government exemption in the ACA that requires healthcare plans to provide healthcare coverage for dependents until they are 26.

24-03National Guard Child Care Tax Credit

Calls to provide local child care businesses with a tax benefit for child care of qualified dependent children of National Guard Soldiers and Airmen.

Family Support
24-04Expedited Return of Deported Veterans to the U.S.

Calls to stop deporting veterans and expedite the return of deported veterans to the U.S.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
24-05Expansion of Access to IVF and All Other Reproductive Healthcare

Calls for expansion of IVF and family building services for veterans and treatment without direct proof that infertility was caused during deployment.

24-06Junior Enlisted Pay Raise

Calls to recognize the junior enlisted pay disparity and its impact on quality of life and retention rates and seeks targeted pay raises for junior enlisted.

Compensation and Benefits
24-07Retention of 10% Tinnitus Disability

Calls to maintain the separate 10% disability rating for tinnitus regardless of its association with other conditions like hearing loss.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
24-08Retention of Enlistment/Retention Incentives when Accepting T32 AGR or Tech Jobs

Calls to allow members who accept T32 AGR/MILTECH positions to retain contracted bonuses and incentives.

Compensation and Benefits
24-09Retiree Continued Contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan

Seeks to allow retirees to continue contributing to TSP after retirement.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
24-10Military Occupation Compatibility with Civilian Certificates & Skills

Calls to create or expand training ETP opportunities for Military Occupation Skills that are closely related to civilian education, experience, and training.

Personnel Policy
24-11Automatic Re-Enrollment in TRICARE Reserve Select and Current Dental Carrier

Calls to mandate automatic re-enrollment into TRICARE Reserve Select and dental coverage for Service Members after completing Active Duty orders.

24-12Addressing Inequities in the USAF’s Credentialing Opportunities On-Line Program

Calls to ensure that National Guard Airmen have equal access to the USAF Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) Program.

24-13Ensuring Full Military Retirement Pay for Veterans with Disabilities

Calls to eliminate the offset between military retirement pay and VA disability compensation.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
24-14Transfer of GI Bill Benefits After Retirement

Calls to allow service members who retire to transfer their benefits without any further service obligation.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
24-15Disparity in Buying Back T32 AGR Service for Title 32/Title 5 Federal Retirement

Calls to correct the disparity in retirement credit for National Guard members who transition from Title 32 AGR service to service under the FERS.

Federal Technician Support
24-16Support of the Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act

Calls on Congress to enact H.R. 7596, the “Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act.”

24-17Information Clearinghouse and Opposition to “Defend the Guard Act” Legislation

Declares EANGUS’ opposition Defend the Guard Act legislation and directs EANGUS to serve as an information hub on pertinent state legislation introduced.

24-18Payroll Allotments for National Guard and Reserve Members

Calls to grant National Guard and Reserve members the same ability as active-duty personnel to establish allotments from their military pay.

Compensation and Benefits
24-19Saving Tuition Assistance and Education Benefits

Urges the U.S. Army and Air Force to expand, rather than reduce, existing educational benefits.

24-20Wearable Less-Than-Lethal Tactical Response Systems

Calls to increase funding for the development and production of wearable, less-than-lethal response systems.

24-21Safety Beacon

Calls on the U.S. Army and Air Force to allocate funding for personal light beacons for service members.

24-22Commendation of the National Guard Association of Michigan and Auxiliary, the State of Michigan, and the City of Detroit

EANGUS commendation and show of appreciation for the hosting association, auxiliary, state, and city.

23-01Modernization of Locality Pay for GS Employees

Calls for the modernization of locality pay for General Schedule (GS) Employees.

Compensation and Benefits
23-02National Guard and Reserve Spouse Employment Hiring Authority Expansion

Urges the expansion of the Military Spouse Hiring Authority to include National Guard and Reserve components.

Family Support
23-03Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Control Grade Modernization

Aims to remove manpower policy requirements for E-8 control grades to resolve unit stagnancy and advocate leadership growth.

Personnel Policy
#Resolution TitleResolution Description (Short)Primary Resolution Category