# | Resolution Title | Resolution Description (Short) | Primary Resolution Category |
24-01 | Veterans Court Services Expansion Program | Calls to support federally-funded Veterans Treatment Court programs for the treatment of justice-involved veterans suffering from substance abuse and/or mental | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
24-02 | TRICARE for Young Adults Extension | Calls to remove the government exemption in the ACA that requires healthcare plans to provide healthcare coverage for dependents until they are 26. | Healthcare |
24-03 | National Guard Child Care Tax Credit | Calls to provide local child care businesses with a tax benefit for child care of qualified dependent children of National Guard Soldiers and Airmen. | Family Support |
24-04 | Expedited Return of Deported Veterans to the U.S. | Calls to stop deporting veterans and expedite the return of deported veterans to the U.S. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
24-05 | Expansion of Access to IVF and All Other Reproductive Healthcare | Calls for expansion of IVF and family building services for veterans and treatment without direct proof that infertility was caused during deployment. | Healthcare |
24-06 | Junior Enlisted Pay Raise | Calls to recognize the junior enlisted pay disparity and its impact on quality of life and retention rates and seeks targeted pay raises for junior enlisted. | Compensation and Benefits |
24-07 | Retention of 10% Tinnitus Disability | Calls to maintain the separate 10% disability rating for tinnitus regardless of its association with other conditions like hearing loss. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
24-08 | Retention of Enlistment/Retention Incentives when Accepting T32 AGR or Tech Jobs | Calls to allow members who accept T32 AGR/MILTECH positions to retain contracted bonuses and incentives. | Compensation and Benefits |
24-09 | Retiree Continued Contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan | Seeks to allow retirees to continue contributing to TSP after retirement. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
24-10 | Military Occupation Compatibility with Civilian Certificates & Skills | Calls to create or expand training ETP opportunities for Military Occupation Skills that are closely related to civilian education, experience, and training. | Personnel Policy |
24-11 | Automatic Re-Enrollment in TRICARE Reserve Select and Current Dental Carrier | Calls to mandate automatic re-enrollment into TRICARE Reserve Select and dental coverage for Service Members after completing Active Duty orders. | Healthcare |
24-12 | Addressing Inequities in the USAF’s Credentialing Opportunities On-Line Program | Calls to ensure that National Guard Airmen have equal access to the USAF Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) Program. | Education |
24-13 | Ensuring Full Military Retirement Pay for Veterans with Disabilities | Calls to eliminate the offset between military retirement pay and VA disability compensation. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
24-14 | Transfer of GI Bill Benefits After Retirement | Calls to allow service members who retire to transfer their benefits without any further service obligation. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
24-15 | Disparity in Buying Back T32 AGR Service for Title 32/Title 5 Federal Retirement | Calls to correct the disparity in retirement credit for National Guard members who transition from Title 32 AGR service to service under the FERS. | Federal Technician Support |
24-16 | Support of the Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act | Calls on Congress to enact H.R. 7596, the “Servicewomen and Veterans Menopause Research Act.” | Healthcare |
24-17 | Information Clearinghouse and Opposition to “Defend the Guard Act” Legislation | Declares EANGUS’ opposition Defend the Guard Act legislation and directs EANGUS to serve as an information hub on pertinent state legislation introduced. | Other |
24-18 | Payroll Allotments for National Guard and Reserve Members | Calls to grant National Guard and Reserve members the same ability as active-duty personnel to establish allotments from their military pay. | Compensation and Benefits |
24-19 | Saving Tuition Assistance and Education Benefits | Urges the U.S. Army and Air Force to expand, rather than reduce, existing educational benefits. | Education |
24-20 | Wearable Less-Than-Lethal Tactical Response Systems | Calls to increase funding for the development and production of wearable, less-than-lethal response systems. | Equipment |
24-21 | Safety Beacon | Calls on the U.S. Army and Air Force to allocate funding for personal light beacons for service members. | Equipment |
24-22 | Commendation of the National Guard Association of Michigan and Auxiliary, the State of Michigan, and the City of Detroit | EANGUS commendation and show of appreciation for the hosting association, auxiliary, state, and city. | Commendations |
23-01 | Modernization of Locality Pay for GS Employees | Calls for the modernization of locality pay for General Schedule (GS) Employees. | Compensation and Benefits |
23-02 | National Guard and Reserve Spouse Employment Hiring Authority Expansion | Urges the expansion of the Military Spouse Hiring Authority to include National Guard and Reserve components. | Family Support |
23-03 | Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Control Grade Modernization | Aims to remove manpower policy requirements for E-8 control grades to resolve unit stagnancy and advocate leadership growth. | Personnel Policy |
# | Resolution Title | Resolution Description (Short) | Primary Resolution Category |