Displaying 26 - 50 of 87

#Resolution TitleResolution Description (Short)Primary Resolution Category
23-04Honoring the 30th Anniversary of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program

Seeks acknowledgment of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program's thirty years of successful at-risk youth development in our communities.

23-05Child Care Programs

Seeks the development of beneficial child care programs to support the readiness and retention of National Guard members.

Family Support
23-06BAH Types (I/II/Transit/Non-Locality/BAH Reserve)

Proposes changes to the wording of BAH II (RC-Transit/Non-Locality/BAH Reserve) to "BAH Prorated" for greater fairness in benefits.

Compensation and Benefits
23-07Immediate Access to Alternative Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs for Veterans

Seeks immediate alternative residential treatment for eligible veterans, not just those whose wait time exceeds 30 days.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
23-08Allow Technician Use of Military Leave While Serving on State Active Duty

Proposes allowing National Guard Technicians to use military leave during State Active Duty to avoid financial hardship.

Personnel Policy
23-09NDAA Support for Increasing AGR End Strength

Supports the annual increase of AGR End Strength to achieve 100% authorization.

Personnel Policy
23-10TRICARE Coverage for Family Planning

Asks for TRICARE to cover family planning, including infertility treatments, beyond current restrictions related to deployment-related infertility.

23-11Enhancing Department of Defense Readiness Within the Current Budgeting Process

Proposes to specifically extend acquisition O&M funds in the NDAA for necessary procurement of items tied to military readiness and modernization.

23-12Minimize MHS Genesis Usage

Proposes minimizing the reliance on MHS Genesis to streamline the recruitment process by reducing delays in assessing recruits' medical eligibility.

Personnel Policy
23-13Modernize MEPS

Calls to utilize primary care providers to streamline and modernize MEPS medical processes.

Personnel Policy
23-14Concurrent Receipt of Retirement and Disability Benefits

Calls for support of the Major Richard Starr Act and advocates for verbiage changes to include non-combat-related disability benefits.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
23-15Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Support of Social Security Fairness Act

Advocates for the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision and supports the Social Security Fairness Act to ensure fair Social Security benefits for retired Guard members.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
23-16Parental Leave

Supports the expansion of Parental Leave for Guard members.

Family Support
23-17Increase in FSGLI Coverage for Dependent Children

Proposes an increase in Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) coverage for dependent children to better cover rising funeral costs.

Family Support
23-18Call for Fire Trainer Modernization

Proposes modernization of the current Call for Fire Trainers across the Army and Army National Guard (ARNG).

23-19Small Arms Simulation Modernization

Proposes modernizing small arms simulation to improve training effectiveness and efficiency for the National Guard.

23-20Army Email and Collaboration Platform Modernization

Proposes modernizing the Army's email and collaboration platforms to enhance communication and operational efficiency.

23-21Secure Tactical Chat Communication Software Systems for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Community

Proposes implementing secure tactical chat communication systems to enhance the effectiveness and security of RPA operations.

23-22Weapon Storage Racks Modernization

Proposes modernization of weapon storage racks to improve safety and security across National Guard facilities.

23-23Secure Tactical Chat Communication Software Systems for Air Operation Center (AOC) Community

Proposes implementing secure tactical chat communication systems to enhance the effectiveness and security of Air Operation Center (AOC) operations.

23-24Modernization and Sustainment of the Army National Guard Controlled Humidity Preservation (CHP) Sites

Proposes restarting the CHP program to modernize and sustain the preservation of equipment across Army National Guard sites.

23-25IED Survivability: Modular Vehicle Protection Platform

Proposes the development and deployment of a modular vehicle protection platform to increase survivability against Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).

23-26Fighter Platform Preservation and Recapitalization for the Air National Guard

Seeks to preserve the 25 fighter missions currently in the Air National Guard force structure.

23-27Preservation and Recapitalization of Aviation Equipment within the National Guard

Proposes preserving the National Guard's relevance in combat through the modernization of aviation equipment.

22-01Implementation of Maternity Leave Benefits

Calls for providing implementation guidance for maternity leave benefits as authorized in the 2021 NDAA, section 603, for 12 paid drill periods.

Personnel Policy
#Resolution TitleResolution Description (Short)Primary Resolution Category