# | Resolution Title | Resolution Description (Short) | Primary Resolution Category |
23-04 | Honoring the 30th Anniversary of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program | Seeks acknowledgment of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program's thirty years of successful at-risk youth development in our communities. | Education |
23-05 | Child Care Programs | Seeks the development of beneficial child care programs to support the readiness and retention of National Guard members. | Family Support |
23-06 | BAH Types (I/II/Transit/Non-Locality/BAH Reserve) | Proposes changes to the wording of BAH II (RC-Transit/Non-Locality/BAH Reserve) to "BAH Prorated" for greater fairness in benefits. | Compensation and Benefits |
23-07 | Immediate Access to Alternative Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs for Veterans | Seeks immediate alternative residential treatment for eligible veterans, not just those whose wait time exceeds 30 days. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
23-08 | Allow Technician Use of Military Leave While Serving on State Active Duty | Proposes allowing National Guard Technicians to use military leave during State Active Duty to avoid financial hardship. | Personnel Policy |
23-09 | NDAA Support for Increasing AGR End Strength | Supports the annual increase of AGR End Strength to achieve 100% authorization. | Personnel Policy |
23-10 | TRICARE Coverage for Family Planning | Asks for TRICARE to cover family planning, including infertility treatments, beyond current restrictions related to deployment-related infertility. | Healthcare |
23-11 | Enhancing Department of Defense Readiness Within the Current Budgeting Process | Proposes to specifically extend acquisition O&M funds in the NDAA for necessary procurement of items tied to military readiness and modernization. | Other |
23-12 | Minimize MHS Genesis Usage | Proposes minimizing the reliance on MHS Genesis to streamline the recruitment process by reducing delays in assessing recruits' medical eligibility. | Personnel Policy |
23-13 | Modernize MEPS | Calls to utilize primary care providers to streamline and modernize MEPS medical processes. | Personnel Policy |
23-14 | Concurrent Receipt of Retirement and Disability Benefits | Calls for support of the Major Richard Starr Act and advocates for verbiage changes to include non-combat-related disability benefits. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
23-15 | Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Support of Social Security Fairness Act | Advocates for the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision and supports the Social Security Fairness Act to ensure fair Social Security benefits for retired Guard members. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
23-16 | Parental Leave | Supports the expansion of Parental Leave for Guard members. | Family Support |
23-17 | Increase in FSGLI Coverage for Dependent Children | Proposes an increase in Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) coverage for dependent children to better cover rising funeral costs. | Family Support |
23-18 | Call for Fire Trainer Modernization | Proposes modernization of the current Call for Fire Trainers across the Army and Army National Guard (ARNG). | Equipment |
23-19 | Small Arms Simulation Modernization | Proposes modernizing small arms simulation to improve training effectiveness and efficiency for the National Guard. | Equipment |
23-20 | Army Email and Collaboration Platform Modernization | Proposes modernizing the Army's email and collaboration platforms to enhance communication and operational efficiency. | Equipment |
23-21 | Secure Tactical Chat Communication Software Systems for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Community | Proposes implementing secure tactical chat communication systems to enhance the effectiveness and security of RPA operations. | Equipment |
23-22 | Weapon Storage Racks Modernization | Proposes modernization of weapon storage racks to improve safety and security across National Guard facilities. | Equipment |
23-23 | Secure Tactical Chat Communication Software Systems for Air Operation Center (AOC) Community | Proposes implementing secure tactical chat communication systems to enhance the effectiveness and security of Air Operation Center (AOC) operations. | Equipment |
23-24 | Modernization and Sustainment of the Army National Guard Controlled Humidity Preservation (CHP) Sites | Proposes restarting the CHP program to modernize and sustain the preservation of equipment across Army National Guard sites. | Equipment |
23-25 | IED Survivability: Modular Vehicle Protection Platform | Proposes the development and deployment of a modular vehicle protection platform to increase survivability against Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). | Equipment |
23-26 | Fighter Platform Preservation and Recapitalization for the Air National Guard | Seeks to preserve the 25 fighter missions currently in the Air National Guard force structure. | Aviation |
23-27 | Preservation and Recapitalization of Aviation Equipment within the National Guard | Proposes preserving the National Guard's relevance in combat through the modernization of aviation equipment. | Aviation |
22-01 | Implementation of Maternity Leave Benefits | Calls for providing implementation guidance for maternity leave benefits as authorized in the 2021 NDAA, section 603, for 12 paid drill periods. | Personnel Policy |
# | Resolution Title | Resolution Description (Short) | Primary Resolution Category |