# | Resolution Title | Resolution Description (Short) | Primary Resolution Category |
21-07 | Personnel Pay and Member Benefits | Calls to establish parity in compensation for Special Skills and Qualifications of National Guard members consistent with active component special pays, compensation, and benefits. | Compensation and Benefits |
21-08 | National Guard Counterdrug Program | Calls to provide Annual Funding to National Guard Counterdrug Programs | Other |
21-09 | Personnel Training Funds | Calls to provide states full funding for personnel attendance to Army and Air Force schools. | Personnel Policy |
21-10 | Reserve Component Parity in Retiree and Veterans Affairs | Calls on Congress to provide the same level of benefits for National Guard and Reserve veterans as Active Duty counterparts and veterans of previous era conflicts. | Veteran and Retiree Affairs |
21-11 | Education and GI Bill Parity | Calls to establish parity with the active forces in the administration, rates, and eligibility standards for GI Bill and other VA education benefits. | Education |
21-12 | TRICARE Coverage of Infertility Treatments | Calls for TRICARE Coverage of Infertility Treatments for all Military Members including the National Guard | Healthcare |
21-13 | National Guard Child Care Navigator Position | Calls for a Child Care Navigator position to support National Guard members in providing resources, training, activities, research, and family support. | Family Support |
21-14 | Support of the structure and equipment issues that are endorsed by the NGAUS and AGAUS | Calls on EANGUS to continue to support the structure and equipment issues that are endorsed by NGAUS and AGAUS and contribute to the accomplishment of the EANGUS mission. | Other |
21-15 | EANGUS appreciation of Albuquerque, the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of New Mexico and Auxiliary | Appreciation for the Hospitality and Efforts by the State of New Mexico, the City of Albuquerque and the New Mexico Enlisted Association of the National Guard and Auxiliary | Commendations |
19-01 | Military Skills Credit Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress | Calls to correct the penalization of veterans and service members in using federal financial aid based on credit hours that were never eligible for federal aid in the first place. | Education |
19-04 | Tax Credit for Businesses Employing Members of the Reserve Components | Calls for tax credits for businesses that hire or employ members of the Reserve Components. | Compensation and Benefits |
19-11 | Retirement Points for State Active Duty (SAD) | Calls to amend 10 U.S. Code § 12732 to allow the award of retirement points for service in a non-federally recognized status in the National Guard. | Compensation and Benefits |
# | Resolution Title | Resolution Description (Short) | Primary Resolution Category |