Displaying 76 - 87 of 87

#Resolution TitleResolution Description (Short)Primary Resolution Category
21-07Personnel Pay and Member Benefits

Calls to establish parity in compensation for Special Skills and Qualifications of National Guard members consistent with active component special pays, compensation, and benefits.

Compensation and Benefits
21-08National Guard Counterdrug Program

Calls to provide Annual Funding to National Guard Counterdrug Programs

21-09Personnel Training Funds

Calls to provide states full funding for personnel attendance to Army and Air Force schools.

Personnel Policy
21-10Reserve Component Parity in Retiree and Veterans Affairs

Calls on Congress to provide the same level of benefits for National Guard and Reserve veterans as Active Duty counterparts and veterans of previous era conflicts.

Veteran and Retiree Affairs
21-11Education and GI Bill Parity

Calls to establish parity with the active forces in the administration, rates, and eligibility standards for GI Bill and other VA education benefits.

21-12TRICARE Coverage of Infertility Treatments

Calls for TRICARE Coverage of Infertility Treatments for all Military Members including the National Guard

21-13National Guard Child Care Navigator Position

Calls for a Child Care Navigator position to support National Guard members in providing resources, training, activities, research, and family support.

Family Support
21-14Support of the structure and equipment issues that are endorsed by the NGAUS and AGAUS

Calls on EANGUS to continue to support the structure and equipment issues that are endorsed by NGAUS and AGAUS and contribute to the accomplishment of the EANGUS mission.

21-15EANGUS appreciation of Albuquerque, the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of New Mexico and Auxiliary

Appreciation for the Hospitality and Efforts by the State of New Mexico, the City of Albuquerque and the New Mexico Enlisted Association of the National Guard and Auxiliary

19-01Military Skills Credit Impact on Satisfactory Academic Progress

Calls to correct the penalization of veterans and service members in using federal financial aid based on credit hours that were never eligible for federal aid in the first place.

19-04Tax Credit for Businesses Employing Members of the Reserve Components

Calls for tax credits for businesses that hire or employ members of the Reserve Components.

Compensation and Benefits
19-11Retirement Points for State Active Duty (SAD)

Calls to amend 10 U.S. Code § 12732 to allow the award of retirement points for service in a non-federally recognized status in the National Guard.

Compensation and Benefits
#Resolution TitleResolution Description (Short)Primary Resolution Category