Number | 19-11 |
Resolution Title | Retirement Points for State Active Duty (SAD) |
Resolution Description (Short) | Calls to amend 10 U.S. Code § 12732 to allow the award of retirement points for service in a non-federally recognized status in the National Guard. |
Proposal Type | New |
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor) | West Virginia |
Business Case | The foundation of the National Guard is its dual Federal and State mission. Each year, the President declares between 80 and 242 federal disasters (source: FEMA), and each year, National Guard members throughout the states and territories pull together to provide emergency relief and support to their communities. These selfless Guard members leave their families, employers, and businesses behind for days or often weeks on end while serving in this SAD status. Though they may wear the uniform, because their service is not “federally recognized,” these members do not earn any credit towards their reserve component retirement. Extended disaster relief – sometimes lasting 60-90 days – precludes members from drilling in a traditional IDT status for that period, potentially costing the Soldier 12 or more retirement points towards their reserve component retirement. On rare occasions, this service could even cost a member a “good year” towards retirement. With the vast majority of personnel serving on a SAD status being “traditional” or M-Day Guardsmen, many of these members also incur a loss of civilian retirement contributions during the period of service as well. |
Recommendation | The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges Congress to amend 10 U.S. Code § 12732 to allow for the award of one retirement point for each day of State Active Duty performed by National Guard members in support of a federally declared disaster, not to exceed 90 points per member per disaster operation. |
Primary Resolution Category | Compensation and Benefits |
Secondary Resolution Category | Other |
Committee Status | 1 |
Date of Committee Recommendation | 08/06/2019 |
Adoption Status | 1 |
Date of Adoption | 08/07/2019 |
Resolution Status | Active |